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Ideological Construction In The Process Of Globalization

Posted on:2019-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548470628Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the emergence of the industrial revolution of capitalism,globalization has been produced and developed.Globalization has broken through the boundaries of nations,countries and regions.Its essence is not only a simple global communication,but a global common life,which means the generation and development of the community of human destiny.A common life of globalization has to have an order of common life.Ideology is essentially an argument and maintenance of the ruling order of the ruling class.Therefore,the basic task of ideology of globalization is a theoretical explanation and argument about the legitimacy of the global rule order.The ideology of globalization is a process that is being formed.In this process,all nations and countries are trying to fight for the leading power of globalization ideology,but who can give a demonstration of legitimacy of the ruling order,who can get ideological discourse power in the process of globalization.The ideology of globalization is not produce without any evidence theory.It absorbs the ideology of the existing nation and state.That is to say,the emergence of the globalization ideology has been influenced by the national and national ideology.Among them,the most influential is the modern ideology originated from Europe.Globalization is formed on the basis of the logic expansion of capital and is incompatible with the western capitalist society.It can be said that the ideology of Western modernity occupies a leading position so far in the global ideology.Modernity is centered on rationality.It brings rationality,freedom,science,democracy and other ideological values,and integrates these ideas into modern social order.Even if the western modernity has occupied a dominant position in the current globalization ideology,but the other nations also hope participate in the rule of order of the globalization.Therefore the nations make many efforts in order to get the dominance of the ideology of globalization,in the process of showing a contradiction and conflict.In addition,Huntington mentioned that "the clash of Civilizations" is actually a manifestation of unconsciousness competition among nations in the process of globalization.It shows a marked "introverted" feature.All nations adhere to their own civilization,values or ideology,for example,western countries emphasize the characteristics of western countries,Asian countries emphasize their own characteristics,and Islamic countries emphasize the characteristics of Islamic countries.When globalization is coming,all ethnic groups are on the platform of globalization.Inevitably,there will be an unconscious conflict based on their respective regional and national differences.In the course,the ideology of every nation and country will be influenced by the globalized ideology in turn.It is an ideology in a strong position,which is unavoidable to impact and penetrate the ideology of the non-western countries and countries in the disadvantaged position.Therefore,with this complex environment of globalization,our country in the construction of ideology in their ideology should adhere to the criticism and absorb attitude for the dominant modern also should actively participate in the construction of the common destiny of mankind and make efforts for ideological discourse right.
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, ideology, modernity, conflict
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