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On The Study Of Han Fei's Thought Of Administration Bureaucracy

Posted on:2020-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572483996Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up in China,the development of the national personnel management system has undergone long-term exploration.It has experienced different stages of development,including the introduction of Western management theories,the revision of Western management theories to adapt to China's development,and the exploration of management theories in line with China's national conditions.China has not formed a unified personnel management system for a long time after the founding of New China.During this period,it mainly copied the management theory of the West.However,due to differences in national conditions and cultural traditions between China and the West,the management methods introduced and the content appears to be unacceptable.Although China has made great progress in the personnel management system,it has destroyed the soil of traditional Chinese management culture in the process of introducing Western management system.As a result,the current state personnel management is still in an awkward situation between inadaptability of Western theory and the loss of local management culture.Han Fei is the master of Chinese ancient management thoughts.His work is the core content of the ancient Chinese personnel management thought.Therefore,the interpretation of Han Fei's thought will provide the basis for exploring the personnel management theory and system in line with China's national conditions.It will also have important reference value and reference significance for the internal logic and institutional design of the personnel management system.Han Fei proposed that the logic of the rule of "the wise monarch directly governs the bureaucracy without governing the people " and the scholar Cao Zhenghan proposed that " The central government governs the bureaucracy,and the local bureaucracy governs the people.".Both of their thoughts have a high degree of logical correlation,if we further break down the logic of Han Fei's governance into two links about"Monarch-Bureaucrat" "Bureaucrat-People",we will find the essence of Han Fei s thought is that the central government is responsible for directly governing the bureaucracy,and then let the bureaucrats take charge of the governance of the people,and this is highly related to the national governance system about "the central government governs the bureaucracy,and the local government governs the people."Since China has been a unified centralized state since ancient times,the state has followed the "central government——local government" two levels of domination.Therefore,the origin and development of the contemporary Chinese personnel management system can be seen from Han Fei's thought of governance.As a matter of fact,the changes in the Chinese personnel management system have a strong path dependence compared to ancient times.In addition,the high correlation between the logic of Han Fei's thoughts and the national governance system indicates that the problems in the inquiry management system often need to be traced back to the national system level.Finding a path of personnel management suitable for China's development needs to be explored in depth with the central and local governance systems.Only by truly embedding China's personnel management system into China's national governance system can the localization of the system be truly realized.To this expounding the historical background and governance logic of the ancient Han Fei thought,this paper analyzes the management system design of the governor under the ancient bureaucrat system,and provides a reference for the reform of the personnel management system of the contemporary government.By drawing on ancient management experience,we can explore management theories and management systems that are consistent with China's national conditions and culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Fei, Thought of administrating bureaucracy, Personnel administration
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