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Research On The Influence Of New Generation Employees' Work Values On Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Posted on:2020-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575490817Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The competition among enterprises has gradually shifted from market expansion and cost reduction to enterprise management,talent competition and professional technology competition.The new Shengsheng employees gradually replace the older generation of employees in all walks of life and become the backbone of the organization.In the process of reform and opening up in the "80" and "90" eras,in the context of family planning policies,and the expansion of collegee ducation,the employment situation is severe,and the social class tends to solidify.Its working values have a growth in the organization.Significance.Unlike the employees of other generations,the new generation of employees form unique and diversified work valuesin the context of globalization,prompting enterprises to put forward higher requirements for the new generation of employees.In the pr ocess of working in the enterprise,different people who want to fulfill the role expectations of various markets need to play different roles.Because of the diffe rent working environments of market enterprises,the behavioral characteristics of workers are also divided into two types,one is the behavior within the role,and the other is the behavior outside the role.The behavior within the role is for the distribution of work tasks and responsibilities that have been explicitly reques ted.Out-of-role behavior mainly refers to behaviors that are not assessed outside the organization.At this stage,the number of new and middle-aged employees in the main force of all walks of life has gradually increased.In the process of social work,they not only need to complete their own work,but also need to conduct more extra-role behaviors and have more positive performances in society.They will generate high organizational commitments,and the implementation of organizational citizenship behavior is not only conducive to the realization of self-worth and career development,but also to maintain the harmony of corporate interpersonal relationships and achieve corporate goals.Foreign scholars have carried out a lot of research on work values and organizational citizenship behavior,but the research on organizational commitment as a mediator is still rare.Moreover,based on the theory of social exchange,constructing the working value as the antecedent variable,the organizational commitment as the intermediate variable,and the organizational commitment as the result variable structure model,the corresponding research hypothesis is put forward.Finally,a 250-point questionnaire was distributed to the new generation of employees,and a total of 205 questionnaires were collected,with an effective rate of 82%.And through a series of data collation and analysis,to verify the validity of the research hypothesis.In the statistics of the survey,the results show that: First,the work values of the new generation of employees are mainly affected by the changes in demographic variables,but also the differences,but the gender of the respondents and the degree of their education are in the new generation of employees.The difference in the dimensions of work values is not particularly significant.Second,the new generation work values have a significant positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior.Third,organizational citizenship behavior has a mediating role between work values and organizational citizenship behavior.Based on the above research and analysis,in order to improve the behavior of employees,we should pay attention to and correctly guide the work values of the new generation of employees,adjust the work values of employees,and organize the motivation of the members.On this basis,Promote new generations of employees to conduct organizational citizenship behavior.The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the work value,organizational commitment and organizational member behavior of the new generation of employees,which has certain theoretical guidance and practical significance for improving the resource management ability and human resource management of the enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:new generation employees, work values, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior
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