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Research On Coordination Mechanism Of Social Security Prevention And Control Subject

Posted on:2019-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330578481481Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the gradual acceleration of urbanization,social transformation and social mobility in China,the prevention and control of public security has become an important social management activity in modern society.At present,although in haidian district public security prevention and control work has initially formed the government leading,market auxiliary,added multiple public security prevention and control of social subject team,formed some effective mechanism,but in the increasingly severe public security prevention and control of the situation,the existing public security prevention and control mechanism in the governance behind,lack of cooperation,information barriers and so on many don’t adapt to the performance,and social contradictions surge,increased difficulties of prevention and control,frequent social problems,civic consciousness awakening,and police resources nervous reality changes further exposed the defect board,diversification of control and prevention,control and prevention needs diversification,complication,the public security The prevention and control system of social security in haidian district has reached a critical period that has to be improved.This paper,on the basis of in-depth exploration of the connotation and general law of synergetic theory,tries to extract the theoretical part corresponding to the prevention and control practice of public security,and tries to apply it to guide the practice of three-dimensional social security prevention and control system in haidian district.At the same time,focus on the prevention and control subject in co-ordinated action of public security prevention and control work,by the haidian district public security prevention and control the main collaborative research as the main line,in the larger pattern perspective,to build a community policing work team as the core,covering government,market,society,haidian district public security prevention and control of plural subject synergy mechanism,fully demonstrated multiple subject cooperative relations and cooperation,in order to use the collaborative governance rich theoretical connotation,resolve the current predicament haidian district public security prevention and control system,realize the theory guiding practice,to improve the whole efficiency,haidian district public security prevention and control system to provide theoretical support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prevention and control of public security, Cooperative mechanism of prevention and control subjects, Haidian district
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