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Study On The Mechanism Of Public Security Prevention And Control Of Rural Gangster

Posted on:2021-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330629450770Subject:Public security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The investigation of T county shows that in the past 40 years of reform and opening up,the evil forces in rural areas have gradually become the structural forces of rural society and have undergone significant changes.Firstly,the daily living space of evil forces in the rural areas has gradually separated from the basic market to the central towns around the rural areas,and shows the micro reasons for the flow of ordinary rural residents to the county.On the whole,the delocalization of the daily life space of the rural ganster has expanded the threat ability of the rural ganster,resulting in significant changes in the traditional withdrawal mechanism of the rural ganster,but its interest space is still highly integrated with the rural society;Secondly,the capital and relationship elements become more and more important in the generation of rural black forces.The value ability of the elements of ruthlessness and bravery in the generation of rural black forces is relatively declining,but it is still in the basic position,and the interaction among the three elements is becoming increasingly obvious.Thirdly,the action strategies of rural black forces have developed from the one-dimensional strategy of ruthlessness and bravery to that of ruthlessness and bravery.The strategy of atmosphere building and the multiple action strategies of recessive strategy highlight the realistic transformation of the value pursuit of the rural black forces from "name" to "profit";Fourthly,the knowledge dissemination path of the rural black forces gradually expands from the offline space such as the daily family routine of rural residents and the off-line space such as the campus deviant youth discussion to the online space such as the online live broadcast and forum,presenting the situation of online and offline interaction.The content of communication shows a situation of large-scale integration of urban and rural knowledge of the ganster,and derives many new knowledge of the ganster in rural areas,tearing apart the traditional pattern of rural Jianghu,and improving the difficulty of prevention and control of the ganster in rural areas;Fifthly,the dilemma of rural grass-roots governance leads to the continuous deduction of the demand market of rural black forces,which is composed of ordinary villagers,rural elites and grass-roots bureaucrats,and the three demand markets are highly coupled.The result of empirical research shows that the formation of rural black ganster is under the background of the great adjustment of the state's grass-roots power after the reform and opening up,and shows a phenomenon highly related to the sinking,retraction and re entry of state power since the founding of new China.For this reason,the paper only around the background of the state power to go to the countryside again,trying to build a new era of rural black forces security prevention and control mechanism model.First ofall,to bridge the gap between the country and the rural social connection field that may breed the rural black forces.So that the connection field between the country and the village organization,the country and the villagers,the village organization and the villagers can effectively play the connection function of interest,consciousness and emotion.Second,to promote the legal rule-based order into the daily life of the local society.The state forces represented by the police stations should consciously dissolve the physical distance and psychological distance barriers between them and the rural residents,so as to make law enforcement work face to face with the holographic appeal of the rural residents.County should do a good job in publicizing the law,so that the legal awareness and legal ability of rural residents to resolve disputes and fight against rural ganster can be increased simultaneously.Third,to improve the organizational prevention and control ability of the rural black forces through the construction of grass-roots organizations.The construction of grassroots organizations should be taken as the starting point to enhance the ability of grassroots organizations to resolve conflicts and disputes in rural society and to absorb the masses in rural society,so as to bridge the space where rural areas may breed rural ganster.The concept of prevention and control of rural black and ganster and the ability of external prevention and control of grassroots organizations should be reshaped to realize the governance of rural black and ganster from individual resistance to collective prevention and control.Fourth,to improve the national control ability of the knowledge production carrier of the rural black forces.By cracking down on,renovating and cracking the knowledge atmosphere of rural black and ganster existing in the rural space,compacting the supervision responsibility,forming the industry self-discipline,and cracking the online knowledge dissemination path of black and ganster.The construction of rural black and ganster should be dispelled,and the supervision of the gathering space of rural black and ganster should be strengthened.Fifth,optimize the effectiveness of the fight against rural ganster.Organize internal mobilization to give full play to the industry supervision advantages of government functional departments;To improve the professional investigation ability of the public security organs and realize the accurate attack on the rural ganster;Innovate the way of propaganda and mobilization to eliminate rural ganster and expand the clues of cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Ganster, Mechanism of Public Security Prevention and Control, State Presence, Institutionalized
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