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Research On Innovation Of E-government Construction Of Local Government In China

Posted on:2021-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602476918Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
E-government is the main challenge faced by governments in the information age,the key means for a country to improve its government efficiency and better serve its citizens,and the key link to drive the development of national information industry,manufacturing industry and service industry.Countries are actively promoting the informatization process of their governments to meet the needs of the development of the times.In a sense,the development of e-government can improve the competitiveness of a country as a whole and realize leapfrog development.Therefore,local governments at all levels should grasp the development trend,apply the new technology of e-government,position the government,open up new ideas,improve the E-government of local governments,and build a service-oriented government.Small and medium-sized cities are the first level administrative areas and the most important basic units of regional economy in China.It is also an important node of national e-government and an important part of e-government construction in China.Starting from Xinyu City in the middle of China,through the analysis of the connotation of e-government to the problems and causes in the practical application of e-government,this paper finally forms the induction of the development path of E-government in local small and medium-sized cities,which provides a useful discussion for the development of E-government in local small and medium-sized cities in China.It provides a useful reference for the information governance system of local governments in China.This study is divided into six chapters to start the first chapter as the introduction part,the main content is the value of this topic,significance,research methods and domestic and foreign research status to elaborate the development of local government e-government in China.The second chapter is the evolution and current situation of the development of E-government of local government in China.The main content is the evolution and current situation of the development of E-government of local government in China.The third chapter is the current situation and problems of the development of E-government in Xinyu City.The main content is the general situation of the development of E-government in Xinyu City.The fourth chapter is the analysis of the reasons for the difficulties in the development of E-government in Xinyu City.The fifth chapter is the path of innovation of e-government construction of local government in China.The sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect,the main content is to discuss the problems that need further study.Although the research scope of this study is not large,it is relatively unique and typical.Through the analysis of the current situation of the development of E-government in Xinyu City and the causes of the problems,this paper sums up the general situation of the development path of E-government of local government in China,which is of great significance to improve the competitiveness of local cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local governments, E-government, Innovation
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