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Emotional Embeddedness,Spatial Mobilization And Regional Conflicts Of Interest

Posted on:2021-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R MingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330611466910Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further deepening of reform and opening up,China's economic development has been growing rapidly.At the same time,various social contradictions that were covered up in the past have gradually emerged under the realistic background of the continuous adjustment of the value interest relationship.Especially in recent years,China's transportation industry,especially high-speed rail and other modern transportation technologies have made important breakthroughs,which greatly promoted the development of transportation infrastructure projects.In the process of the project facility layout,its own resource gathering function can bring high value benefits to the local layout.Therefore,many places hope to locate high-speed rail facilities locally to maximize the benefits of economic and social development.Driven by this goal awareness,they will take a variety of behavior measures to actively compete for the opportunity of high-speed rail to set up in the local area.If they do not guide and control the strong sense of competition,they will even have group conflict events,which will endanger people's lives,health and property safety,and affect social stability.In view of this,in-depth analysis of the strategic logic of regional conflicts of interest,building a theoretical model of the trigger mechanism of regional conflicts of interest,can provide a certain way of thinking for effectively reducing the risk of social stability of major engineering projects.The research focuses on the logic of regional conflict of interest strategy,focusing on the structural representation,behavior strategy and governance of regional conflict of interest.Based on multi case analysis,this paper extracts news,reports and comments related to "highspeed rail competition event" from main media platforms,and uses qualitative analysis software NVivo 12.6 to code and analyze text content.On this basis,this paper analyzes and discusses the cases of regional conflicts of interest,and then analyzes the possible solutions to reduce the social stability risk of major projects,in order to understand the national governance system and its development direction.Modernization of governance.It is found that the main related topics of regional interest demand expression include public sector and government sector.Among them,the appeal forms adopted by the public include "direct resistance type" and "reverse pressure type",while the appeal forms adopted by the government departments include "power exercise type" and "relationship maintenance type".As a whole,the actors of regional interest conflict carry out their activities in the realistic environment of insufficient institutional supply.The two core strategies of emotional Embeddedness and spatial mobilization are closely linked and comprehensively influenced,revealing the deep value motivation and interest demand behind the regional interest conflict as a whole.In short,the "road struggle" incident essentially reflects the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.In this regard,based on the collaborative management of public value,improving the construction of social governance system plays an important role in the governance of regional conflicts of interest.In the process of meeting the requirements of regional interests,on the one hand,we need to balance the distribution of resources and improve the overall level of infrastructure construction in order to enjoy the dividends of economic and social development.on the other hand,we need to publicly solicit public opinions,positively respond to the demands of regional interests,fully consider the social opinions,and improve the scientific and democratic nature of decision-making;on the other hand,we need to ensure the supply of systems and improve laws and regulations,We should effectively prevent and control regional conflicts of interest from institutional structural factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emotional Embeddedness, Space mobilization, Conflict of interest, Social governance
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