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Research On The Value Guidance Of Rural Relationship Under The Background Of Rural Revitalization Strategy

Posted on:2021-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620468031Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The revitalization of the countryside is related to the realization of The Two Centennial Goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.In the course of exploring a road of rural revitalization with Socialism with Chinese characteristics,reshaping the healthy ecology of rural “renqing” constitutes one of the basic projects of the construction of modern civilization in the countryside,and thus the study of the system construction and practice paths of guiding the value of rural “renqing” has become the proper topic and mission from the perspective of ideological and political education.China is a rural society in general,and vernacular culture is its essence.The ecology of rural social structure formed by history presents the general characteristics of "acquaintance society" and "The Pattern of Difference Sequence" with kinship and geography as the center,and "reqing" always plays an important role in the more closed rural areas and weaves the social network in the countryside,which largely reflects the social structure,authority assignment pattern and value ecology of the village.It plays an important role in many aspects,such as shaping the emotional identity and group belonging of individuals to the rural community,realizing the information circulation and resources allocation,establishing mutual trust and assistance,forming the common will,promoting public participation in rural governance,resolving contradictions and conflicts,and continuing the culture of etiquette and customs.At the same time,in the process of the dynamic function of these functions,“renqing” is not only influenced by the traditional values of the countryside,but also constantly faces new challenges in the changing times,and experiences changes and remodeling of the overall value form of the coutryside.With the rapid development of new socialist countryside construction and urban-rural integration,many profound changes have taken place in the rural society and the value meaning of ”renqing” has also changed.Many factors make the alienation of “renqing” widespread in rural areas,such as the lack of multi-value impact and value consensus,the enhancement of tool value and the weakening of emotional value,the crisis of trust between subjects and the fault of value inheritance,and the conflicts between the traditional “renqing” and the modern law ruling concept and etc.“Renqing” gradually moves towards the extremes of instrumentalization,monetization and symbolization,which will become an obstacle and an important challenge to the realization of the strategy for rural revitalization,and will seriously affect the construction of the modern civilization governance system in the countryside,the long-term development of the rural economy and the realization of the better life of the rural people.This dissertation starts from the perspective of the construction of rural civilization and the ideological and moral education to study the “renqing” issues in the countryside.Guided by the theory of Marxist exchange view,the theory of Marxist alienation and the theory of Marxist people's all-round development,together with other relevant theoretical knowledge of anthropology and sociology,I try to define the connotation and characteristics of rural “renqing”,and expound its social,economic,political,cultural and other roles in the strategy of rural revitalization,in the framework of the core socialist values as the ethical trend of the times.On this basis,Iwant to further analyze the alienation status quo,influence and causes of rural “renqing” in the social changes in the new period,and explore the system construction and practice path guided by the “renqing” values,and reshape the modern civilization ecology of rural society,in order to provide constructive suggestions for the innovative development of the rural governance system and the realization of the rural people's pursuit of a better life.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural revitalization, Rural ideological and political education, Human intercourse, Value guide
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