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Offside And Absence Of Government:A Study On The Causes And Countermeasures Of Voluntary Failure Of Voluntary Service For The Disabled

Posted on:2020-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620962726Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Eliminating discrimination and allowing disabled people to truly integrate into society has always been the fundamental goal of the development of the cause of disabled people in China.Volunteer service is an important way to achieve this goal.At present,thanks to the broad recognition of the spirit of volunteerism,volunteering and disability are also becoming more and more institutionalized and normalized in China,attracting a large number of talents to join the volunteer team to help the disabled,in helping the disabled employment,rehabilitation,education and other aspects played a positive role.But,because of assistive volunteer service started late,growing environment is not yet mature,in reality,Volunteer service for the disabled is facing the problems of "volunteer failure",such as,lack of consciousness of voluntary service for helping the disabled,improper management of voluntary service for helping the disabled,and lack of supply system of voluntary service resources for helping the disabled,severely restricted the healthy and sustainable development of the assistive volunteer service.From the perspective of the subject of the root cause of the problem,the reasons for the above manifestations are not single.In terms of government behavior,it is the government behavior intervention loss,namely the government behavior offside and the government behavior absence.The specific performance is the government supporter,the guide,the supervisor,the collaborator role play is still to be discussed,there are different degrees of intervention offside and the intervention absence.As for voluntary service for the disabled,whether it can continue to effectively provide the disabled with excellent and high-quality services to meet the personalized needs of the disabled and promote the construction of the service system for the disabled depends on whether the government,a constraint factor,will intervene in the case of loss of degree.Therefore,the government should take active measures to deal with the problem of voluntary service failure.By updating the concept of government,advocating the concept of helping the disabled to create a good atmosphere of helping the disabled in the whole society;facing the positive role of voluntary organizations in providing public services,promoting cooperation with voluntary organizations;accelerating the transformation of government functions,weakening the administrative color of voluntary organizations;strengthen the institutional supply of funds,training,laws and oversight,take the initiative to assume government responsibilities in volunteer service for the disabled and other ways to optimize government behavior,reduce the possibility of volunteer service failure,as much as possible to meet the complex and diverse needs of the disabled for a better life,accelerate the process of building a well-off society for the disabled,and build a harmonious socialist society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government Offside, Government Absence, Volunteer Service for the Disabled, Voluntary Failure
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