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Study On The Influence Of The Rural Organized Crime And Local Mafia On The Rural Social Stability

Posted on:2021-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330629450975Subject:Master of Police
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural organized crime and local mafia like a cancer that affects rural development and social stability.Judging from the achievements of crackdown on gangs in recent years,the organized crime and local mafia are widely distributed throughout the country.Through the investigation of rural crime and the analysis of typical cases,the current situation and characteristics of these crime are summarized.The organized crime and local mafia in rural areas have may characteristics,which are increasingly strict organizational structure,members in the organization have ‘four more and one low',extensive ways of accumulating wealth by unfair means,obvious tendency of soft violence,concealed criminal forms,erosion of rural industries and basic-level political power.The organized crime and local mafia in rural areas seriously affect the stability of rural society,including affecting the stability of basic-level political power,hindering the development of rural economy,affecting the construction of rural culture,and disturbing social order in rural areas.The special campaign of crackdown on gangs launched nationwide in 2018 clearly points out that the focus on rural areas plays a crucial role in governing organized crime and local mafia and reducing of their harm to rural society.Reducing and eliminating the influence of organized crime and local mafia on rural social stability mainly starts from strengthening the construction of rural basic-level political power,leading rural economic development,promoting rural cultural construction,improving and innovating rural social governance mechanism and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organized crime and mafia, Crackdown on gangs, Rural stability, Social governance
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