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Research On Influencing Factors Of Female Community Participation Under The Perspective Of Gender

Posted on:2021-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330647954027Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Gender Main-streaming” has been gradually introduced into the field of public policy and evolved into a basic consensus along with the development of feminist theories and women’s movements since the introduction of the Third World Conference on Women in 1985.This concept regards women’s issues as one of the vital social issues,emphasizing that gender consciousness should enter the field of government’s macro decision-making and policy practice,and take an important position in specific considerations.Based on the national conditions in China,women’s participation in politics in recent years,especially community participation at the grassroots level,has shown a significant improvement in terms of digital performance under the "proportion system" standard.If we further explore the structure of community participation,such improvement is mainly reflected in forms of institutionally guaranteeing women’s rights of community elections and the fixed proportion of grassroots female civil servants.In contrast,women’s autonomous community participation doesn’t stand out in terms of quantity,but experience shows there exist considerable examples that women take initiative in community’s public affairs at the grassroots level through active participation in community organizations and other methods.Therefore,for women who have been circulating between the market,the community,and the family after the reform and opening up,what factors will guide their community participation behavior or pull them away from the community is the question this article intends to research.The theoretical part of this study chooses the “Moser Analysis Framework” in gender theory to divide the gender role of women into three parts like "producer","reproducer" and "community manager",supplemented by the “Women’s Empowerment Framework” which focuses on gender quality in five aspects like the “welfare”,“resource use”,“awareness”,“participation” and “resource domination”.Moreover,the theoretical section also incorporate relative hypothesis about power relationship intersexually in the relative resource theory and the gender display hypothesis.The empirical part utilize the data of female residents of CGSS2012 and explores the influence of market income,relative income status in family,and gender consciousness on female community participation behavior along with its mechanism,through Probit regression analysis and mediation effect test.The results show that the increase of women’s gender consciousness will significantly promote their participation in community elections and community organization activities,but the increase in market income may weaken their possibility of participating these community affairs by increasing their relative income status in family.Meanwhile,enhancing women’s relative income status in family will significantly reduce their participation in community elections.This research provides a possible explanation according to the theory of relative resources and the hypothesis of gender display targeting such outcomes: during the process of implicit game with family members,in order to maintain the bargaining power in family responsibilities,women tend to be more actively involved in market activities to keep their relative income resources.Nevertheless,when women shoulder so many economic responsibilities in her family that the gap between the economic resources occupied by men and women deviates from the gender norms,bound by individual or collective gender concept,women tend to suspend bargaining and compensate for housework to rectify the gap in economic resources with male family members,rather than engaging in community public affairs,which may generate higher cost for participation.The improvement of individual or social gender awareness is conducive to breaking through the gender regulations so as to adjust the traditional family labor division mode and gender power relationship,thereby reducing the cost of public participation and promoting community participation of female group.In the end of this study,it raises specific suggestions for optimizing female community participation from aspects of market,community,and family.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community Governance, Public Participation, Women’s Political Participation
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