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The Analysis On The Path Of Educational Difference For The East And West In China

Posted on:2016-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ShiFull Text:PDF
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To comparing with the other contemporary political liberalism scholars,the difference principle was very representative.This paper was trying to analyze the difference principle.Through the interpretation of the difference principle,we are trying to comprehend its production and connotation.The difference principle is not isolated choice,but together with other principles,to constitute the principle of justice.As the important part of the two principle of justice,is based on the choice of the original position.We should comprehend the difference principle on the background of the principle of justice.Rawls thought that the equality and openness of opportunity is an important prerequisite for constituting the difference principle,a liberal and democratic society should take the maintenance of freedom and equality view to the most disadvantageous group of the society,and as a standpoint and principles of thinking.The difference principle means that the principle of compensation,in order to equal treatment of all people,to provide real equal opportunity,society must pay more attention to those people whose talents lower and was born in a negative social status.This concept means the tilt compensation on the basis of equal direction caused by accidental factors,but not because of sympathy or due to adverse reason compensates the weak.The difference principle is principle which in the constitution of social relations and cooperation,and ensure that the system of social cooperation stability and justice.Through the research on the difference principle,we can find that the principle is applicable to solve Chinese issues in contemporary society.Because of the special history background and population distribution?the unbalance of regional economy development,causing the obvious differences between the east and west education of china.The education quality is better than the east to west,the West students get the loss of large number,and the educational resources were distributed unbalanced,get in mismatch,which has caused the waste of educational resources,and resulting in the difference of education.Education is the foundation of our country,the problem between the east and west of education caused serious influence on the construction of the socialist harmonious society.In view of this situation,According to Rawls's difference principle solving practical problems in the field of education in our country,I think it is very instructive.According to the difference principle,in the precondition of respecting for citizens have freedom and equality of opportunity,we can spend more resources on the poor education environment but not the stronger.We can distribute the education resources in rationally,in order to improve the long-term expectation of those who benefit the least.To change the status quo,optimize the allocation of educational resources,the government must take the helm.We should give priority to ensuring the basic things in the Ministry of education fairness,and have a preferential strategy of educational development in the west.The government could increase the investment to the western areas in efforts,strengthening human resource introduction and management,after thinking carefully to avoid misallocation of resources.Moreover,the government should increase the education financial compensation,and further optimize the allocation of educational resources,and gradually narrow the differences of the east and west in education,in order to achieve the fairness of education and social justice,thus realize the harmonious and sustainable development of the whole society.
Keywords/Search Tags:difference principle, the east and west educational differences, methods exploration, resource allocation
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