With the rapid development of information technology,the construction of learning platform keeps pace with information technology. Learning platform provides a virtual learning environment for students and teachers,and promotes the development of education technology. While recognizing the advantage of learning platform,we should see the lack of it,mainly including weak infrastructure,lower security, scattered resources,weak interaction.Therefore,the thesis presents a program that the construction of interactive learning platform based on cloud-computing. This program combines cloud-computing and web technology,which takes advantage of cloud-service,and achieves interactive learning platform including resource sharing and interactive learning.Main areas is as follows:(1) Study the development of domestic and external education cloud platform,and summarize the lack of current status.(2) Study the propagation mode of learning resource,which is divided into two parts,static-leanring and dynamic-interaction. Study the complementary mode between static-leanring and dynamic-interaction,which provides a new mode for the construction of learning resource.(3) According to the model of Actions,study the model of Cloud-Actions,which prove the advantage of learning platform based on Cloud-Computing by seven parts, including Access,Costs,Teaching And Learning, Interactivity and User-Friendless,Organizational Issues,Novelty and Speed.(4) According to Cloud-Actions and the complementary mode of between static-leanring and dynamic-interaction,sdudy the model of interactive learning platform based on Cloud-Computing, which is divided into two parts, the construction of learning and the support of Cloud-Platform;study the model by six areas,including learning support,the test of leaning result,interactive learning,ubiquitous access,the share of resource and scientific construction.(5) According to the model, analyse the functional requirement of learning platform,build the partition of functional module and design the key module.in the module of resource management,study computing model of resource-pushed based on content,which makes contribution for the match between student and learning resource.(6) Based on function and actual survey,study the advantage and lack of leaning platform,which indicates the direction of the research in the future. |