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Study On Social Communication Of People With Disabilities From The Perspective Of Social Support

Posted on:2019-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P R PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330563993553Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the social communication issues of people with disabilities have increasingly attracted the attention of the society.They are faced with difficult situations such as psychological and behavioral integration because of their own and social environment.The author’s internship in Hongshan District,Wuhan City,Guanshan Street HD community,a large number of people with disabilities,social communication issues are more prominent,with reference to the questionnaire survey and interview results,the author selected the client Xu as the service object.The social interactions of the cases are markedly closed,single,passive,and homogenous.The main factors leading to these problems are self-exclusion,social exclusion,and less social support.Based on this,the author decided to intervene in the social communication problems of disabled people,tap and link resources for the service targets,and promote the integration of people with disabilities into society.This research is based on the assessment of the needs of service users,guided by social support theory,and based on social interactions for the disabled,using case work practices to intervene from formal social support and informal social support,respectively.From the perspective of social support,three categories of cognitive social support,material social support,and action social support are introduced according to the content of social support and the actual situation of the owner,through multi-dimensional and multi-level interventions to implement and develop.Help people with disabilities to objectively evaluate themselves at the cognitive level,improve their living conditions at the material level,and improve their social communication skills at the action level.Finally,on the basis of summarizing and exploring the effects of services,the author concludes: First,people with disabilities have the need for social interaction.The involvement of social work helps the disabled to change and grow.Second,formal social support and informality.Social support complements each other and jointly builds a stable and continuous social support system for the client.Third,the case work method has a strong applicability to intervene in people with disabilities.While achieving positive results,the author finds that in the practice process,subjective and objective reasons arelimited.This study also has unmet needs for the main part of the case,lack of representativeness of the survey sample,the depth of research needs to be strengthened,and lack of long-term follow-up assessment.Mechanisms and other limitations.The case work should be combined with the characteristics of the local culture and the intervening objects,and timely adjust the intervention method in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disabled people, Social support, Social communication, Case work
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