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Instructional Design And Practice Of Junior Middle School Information Technology Course Based On STME Concept

Posted on:2020-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572478748Subject:The modern education technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the research of related literature’s,this paper finds that the integration of STEM education concepts into subject curriculum in China is mainly focused on science courses,while the integration of STEM education concepts in information technology courses mainly focuses on programming and robot teaching.The author is combing STEM.On the basis of the educational concept and the junior high school information technology course,find the point of convergence between the two,and provide theoretical support for the implementation of this teaching.The most important feature of STEM education is the introduction of engineering design in classroom teaching.The engineering design process is compatible with the 5E teaching model.This teaching model is based on engineering design,emphasizing the central position of students and solving practical problems in life.The author chooses the classic 5E teaching mode of STEM education,carries out instructional design and implementation,and analyzes the teaching effect of this course through questionnaires and interviews.Through analysis,it is found that integrating the STEM education concept into the junior high school information technology course breaks the original teaching form with knowledge as the main line,integrates multidisciplinary knowledge,and improves students’ ability and innovative ability to solve practical problems.In the choice of teaching content,close to the actual life of students,it can stimulate students’ interest in learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:STEM education concept, Junior high school information technology, Instructional design
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