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Research On Teaching Strategies For Improving Mathematics Autonomous Learning Ability

Posted on:2020-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575961089Subject:Subject teaching
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With the continuous advancement of the new curriculum reform,the teaching concept of“student”as the main body gradually enters the campus.It proposes that students should have initial innovation spirit,practical ability and the basic knowledge,skills and methods of adapting to lifelong learning.And more than that,it emphasizes the cultivation of students’ active learning attitude and the ability of autonomic learning.Mathematics learning in the first grade of senior high school is a turning point for students to learn mathematics,which is different from the previous requirements and methods of the autonomic learning mathematics in the junior high school.As a result,many students have some problems in learning mathematics,for example,low interest,the lack of self-confidence,excessive anxiety,the increase of inferiority feeling and other issues.Thus,those above affects the ability of self-regulated learning leading to a obvious decline in academic performance.In order to solve these problems,the school surveyed by the author began to carry out "One Question a Day",which is one of the Teaching Strategies.It will cultivate the learning interest,enhance self-confidence,improve enthusiasm and ability of students`independent learning.This paper mainly analyzes the factors affecting students’ self-learning ability by investigating the implementation of "One Question a Day" in the school,and then this paper puts forward some effective teaching strategies in view of these factors.The author randomly surveyed four classes in Guangshan County Second High School through questionnaire survey,and analyzed the questionnaire with SPSS software.The survey results show that most of the students in the school have poor mathematics self-learning ability.Because of the limitations of traditional classroom teaching,many students are too dependent on teachers and are not willing and not good at exploring learning actively.In the analysis of the factors affecting students’ autonomous learning of Mathematics,it is found that the factors such as interest,motivation,goal,teaching method and teaching environment have a great influence on students’ self-learning ability.In view of these factors,the author puts forward some teaching strategies,such as:fun scenario and analogy concept introduction,teachers’ proper guidance and other teaching strategies.The author hope to improve students’ self-learning ability.In terms of the implementation of the school’s the strategy of “ One Question a Day”,it was found that most of the students were very glad to accept this teaching method,gradually developing the habit of active learning mathematics,the enthusiasm and autonomy of learning have been greatly improved,and the academic performance has also improved greatly.It can be seen that the implementation of the strategy of " One Question a Day" is of great help to the development of students’ self-learning ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum reform, Independent learning, One Question a Day, Teaching strategy
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