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Research On The Course Satisfaction Of Postgraduates Based On OBE Perspective

Posted on:2020-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590486837Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Postgraduate curriculum is the basis of postgraduate education and the necessary link to guarantee the quality of postgraduate training.It plays a all-sided,comprehensive and basic role in the growth of postgraduates,and is an important part of measuring the quality of postgraduate education.Students are the direct participants and beneficiaries of the curriculum,and their satisfaction is the most intuitive and concrete description of the quality of the curriculum.Therefore,to some extent,the research on the satisfaction of the master's graduate curriculum can reflect the quality of the current master's curriculum and provide direction for the improvement of the master's curriculum,which has strong practical significance.This research combines 0BE theory with satisfaction survey.Based on the three principles of student subject,reverse construction and ability orientation of OBE theory,it constructs the satisfaction index of master's degree course.According to the evaluation index,the questionnaire of curriculum experience and curriculum satisfaction at home and abroad was revised,and the questionnaire of curriculum satisfaction of master students was compiled.3485 master students in H province were taken as the research object,and SPSS20.0 and EXCEL software were used for data analysis.The results show that the degree of curriculum satisfaction of postgraduates is above the middle level,and there are some differences among different dimensions;there are significant differences in demographic variables such as gender,degree type,school level and graduation school level;there are significant positive correlations among all dimensions of curriculum satisfaction;The higher the curriculum-related activities' participation is the higher the degree of satisfaction.Based on the analysis of questionnaire survey and interview results,this study draws the following conclusions: the overall satisfaction of master's graduate courses is on the upper middle level,and there is room for improvement;curriculum design is basically in line with social needs,and still needs to be adjusted;subject participation is slightly inadequate in the course of curriculum implementation;the dimension of satisfaction of curriculum results is relatively high,and ability orientation is slightly inadequate.Based on the above conclusions,this study considers that it is necessary to change the curriculum concept,achieve reverse construction;give full play to students' subjectivity,optimize the curriculum structure;emphasize the ability training,strengthen curriculum management to improve the quality of master's courses,thus to enhance the satisfaction of master's courses.
Keywords/Search Tags:OBE Theory, Postgraduate, Course satisfaction
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