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Study On The Status Quo And Improvement Strategies Of Postgraduate Guidance Relationship Based On Satisfaction Survey

Posted on:2022-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z N WanFull Text:PDF
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Postgraduates are the main body of postgraduate education in my country.As of2020,the number of postgraduate students in my country has reached 2.673 million,accounting for 85% of the total enrollment of postgraduate students in the country.The training quality of postgraduates determines the overall quality of postgraduate education to a certain extent,and also restricts and affects the process of my country's transformation to a strong postgraduate education country to a certain extent.The relationship between supervisors and postgraduates runs through the whole process of postgraduate training.The type of relationship,interaction mode and interaction state,etc.,fundamentally determine the quality of postgraduate training.In recent years,the news media have exposed the mental health problems of graduate students and the alienation of the tutoring relationship from time to time,revealing the significance and value of building a good tutoring relationship from a certain perspective.On the basis of clarifying the connotation of the tutoring relationship,this paper is guided by customer satisfaction theory,social contract theory and humanistic education theory.Taking postgraduates as the research objects,this paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of the master's tutoring relationship in general colleges and universities,and uses binary logistic regression to explore the influencing factors of the tutoring relationship satisfaction.The results of this study show that the master's tutor relationship is generally good,and the students' overall satisfaction with the tutor is relatively high.However,there are also problems in the tutoring relationship of postgraduate students,such as weak awareness of students' subjectivity,infrequent and inefficient face-to-face communication between teachers and students,mismatch between tutor guidance and students' effective needs,lack of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular academic exchanges,and inadequate school supervision responsibilities.Through differential analysis and model analysis,it is found that whether students have a doctoral plan,students' interest in studying their majors,the frequency and stability of meetings between students and their tutors,the frequency and quality of tutors' academic guidance,and the tutors' attitudes towards matters other than students' learning.Six factors,such as the degree of concern and the frequency of friction between students and tutors,are significant factors affecting the satisfaction of the tutor relationship.Therefore,this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from three aspects: individual graduate students,supervisors and schools,that is,at the individual level,it is necessary to strengthen the self-management and learning of graduate students,enhance the consciousness of learning and scientific research,and enhance the ability of active communication;At the tutor level,tutors should care about and care for students,improve the effectiveness of academic guidance,focus on improving ideological and moral and professional quality,and give students more opportunities to participate in academic activities;at the school level,it is necessary to optimize the tutor selection system and evaluation mechanism,improve Tutor accountability system and improve postgraduate rights protection system,etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postgraduate students, Study guidance relationship, Satisfaction degree, Influencing factors
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