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Research On The Influence Of Population Age Structure On Household Consumption In Hunan Province

Posted on:2020-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590986578Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Population is the main part of economic and social development,and production and consumption are the important part of social and economic relations.People are both producers and consumers,the relationship between population and consumption is also a topic highly related to human development and progress.Since the founding of China,our demographic and economic transformation have been continuing,and the changes in population age structure have gradually deepened their influence on economic development.Especially in the context of Chinese economic growth pattern from resource constraints and supply constraints to demand constraints and deepening population aging,studying the internal mechanism and interrelationship of the influence of population age structure on household consumption is of great theoretical and practical significance.Since the reform and opening,the situation of Hunan’s economy has been developing steadily,especially with the urbanization,marketing and modernization of Changsha,Zhuzhou and Xiangtan.The economic restructure has continued to advance.However,since the beginning of the new century,the decline of the resident consumption rate and the imbalance of consumption structure are quite remarkable.The problem of insufficient power of consumer demand has become a major disease,therefore,how to solve the problem of household consumption weakness in Hunan province has become the focus of economic and policy attention.In fact,there are too many factors affecting household consumption,and population change in Hunan province is special.Through objective comparison,the decline of the dependency ratio and the advantage of labor resources under the change of population age structure in Hunan province and the in-depth development of population aging have inhibitory effects on household consumption.Therefore,the research on the influence of age structure on consumption in Hunan province has both typical theoretical support and strong Hunan characteristics.The topic of this paper spans from the population category to the economic category and it will provide effective reference for practical problems.This topic takes Hunan province as the object,on the change of population age structure in Hunan province,especially the objective phenomenon of severe aging and low consumption of residents.Based on the population age structure,this paper explores the related factors that affect the consumer demand and analyzes the internal relationship between them.In other words,exploring economic issues from a demographic perspective.The paper starts with three dimensions: young age,working age and aging population and consumption level,consumption structure and other main levels for statistical analysis and descriptive analysis of the two.Then by introducing the population age structure variable to study its impact on the consumption rate of residents in Hunan province and focus on the analysis of the age structure on the impact of consumer spending direction and degree and get the utility relationship between the two.Furthermore,it provides reference significance for Hunan province to promote consumption level and make relevant population policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population age structure, Population aging, Dependency ratio of population, Household consumption, Household consumption rate
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