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Senior Citizen Association From The Perspective Of Sociology

Posted on:2020-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K ZhuFull Text:PDF
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As a civil society organization,the senior citizen association,which plays an important role in the grassroots society,plays an important role in the study of the organization.Through an in-depth study of the G Village senior citizen association,thus to understand the status quo of the organization of the old-age association,and the mechanism of the organization.This article is divided into four parts,the first part understands the emergence and development of the G village seniors association by analyzing the field of the G village senior citizen association.Village G as a traditional village under the influence of modernization,Complicating the field of the G Village senior citizen association,it is embodied in the local society under rationalization.The causes of the G Village Senior Citizens Association can be divided into internal motivations and external incentives.The internal motivation is the villager's demand for public goods,and the external incentives are the widespread rise of the elderly associations in Leping.The second part analyzes the organizational characteristics of the endogenous organization of the G Village Senior Citizen Association,thus deepening the understanding of the organization of the elderly association.The G Village Senior Citizens Association is an informal organization with no formal written regulations.The organization's operational force is derived from the empowerment of the villagers and the authorization of the law.When organizational activities encounter unreasonable obstacles,Villagers sometimes use the means of violence threats,To express their attitude towards the support of the organization of the elderly association.The G Village Senior Citizens Association also showed a democratic color.The formation of public opinion among villagers before the election campaign,Making it difficult for people who are not trusted by the villagers to enter the organization.At the same time,the source characteristics of the organization's action force enable the organization to implement the “one case,one discussion”system in the course of the activities,which are the embodiment of the organization's democratic color.The existence of the G Village Senior Citizens Association relies on the social characteristics of the acquaintances of G Village and the modernization of G Village.The trust and rules in the acquaintance society support the survival of the Senior Citizens Association,and the improvement of the living standards of the villagers brought about by the modernization process in China.It is also conducive to the development of the G Village Senior Citizens Association.The third part is the G village senior association and tradition.The Old Age Association has given these traditions a new vitality through traditional refactorings such as family and homesickness governance.At the same time,the organization also plays an important role in protecting and inheriting traditional culture.The fourth part is the prospect of the development prospects of G Village Senior Citizens Association.Acquaintance society is familiar with stratification in the village of G,It is heralded that it is difficult for the Senior Citizens Association built on the acquaintance society to maintain the current organizational structure for a long time.With the further change of the acquaintance society of G village,the G village the Senior Citizens Association will inevitably need to change accordingly.At the same time,the problems of the G Village Senior Citizens Association also require the G Village Senior Citizens Association to make corresponding changes.The G Village Senior Citizens Association has important implications for the development of democracy in China.The logic of opposition in the election of the G Village Seniors Association deserves our in-depth study.It's development of the “one case,one discussion”system,It is of great significance for the village committee to implement the “one case,one discussion” system when carrying out self-government activities.The development of the G Village Senior Citizens Association also has important implications for the construction of a pluralistic society.While guiding the practice of theory,we must also pay attention to the inductive reasoning of empirical facts,and thus develop the theory.For the “bottom-up” organization,in its development process,Should focus on guiding it,This results in a corresponding balance between the “bottom-up” endogenous process and the “top-down” policy guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:the senior citizens association, endogenous organization, Village autonomy, bottom up
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