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Social Capital,social Exclusion And Chinese Residents' Rights Defense

Posted on:2020-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
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Consciousness of Social Conflict is an important indicator reflecting the tension of social groups and the stability of social structure.However,there is still little research on the awareness of social conflicts in the academic circles.Based on the theory of social capital and social exclusion theory,this paper builds a framework of “trust-participation-exclusion” analysis.On the one hand,it analyzes the influencing factors of Chinese residents' social conflict awareness,and on this basis,it is in the social capital and social exclusion of residents.The mediating role of rights defense is analyzed.The research question mainly includes two aspects.What factors are affecting the residents' awareness of social conflict? Will these influencing factors have an indirect impact on the actions and willingness of residents to defend their rights through the intermediary role of residents' social conflict awareness?The data analysis is divided into three parts.The first part is composed of descriptive analysis of related variables,group t test of high and low conflict consciousness and multiple linear regression analysis of influencing factors of residents' social conflict consciousness.The results of the high-low conflict awareness group t test show that the institutional trust,special trust and general trust of high-risk-conscious residents are significantly lower than those of low-conflict residents,while high-risk residents have Internet use,discrimination experiences and discriminatory perceptions.There are more significant residents than lowrisk residents.The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the demographic variables of gender,age,ethnicity,marriage,residential community,subjective social class and other variables have significant influence on residents' awareness of social conflict.Female residents have higher awareness of social conflict than males;Han nationality has higher social conflict awareness than other ethnic groups;unmarried residents have higher conflict awareness than married people;residents living in urban communities have higher conflict awareness than living in rural areas;The residents' awareness of social conflict is higher than that of the self-evaluation social class;the older the age,the lower the residents' awareness of conflict.The institutional trust and general trust of the trust dimension,the participation of the dimension Internet participation,the discrimination experience under the exclusion dimension and the discrimination perception have significant influence on the subjective conflict consciousness.The higher the system trust and general trust,the lower the residents' awareness of conflict,and the more Internet participation,the more experience of discrimination,the stronger the discrimination,and the higher the social conflict awareness of residents.The second part is the analysis of the influencing factors of residents' behavior and willingness to defend their rights.The experience of institutional trust and discrimination will have a significant impact on residents' action to defend their rights.General trust,Internet participation,experience of discrimination and perception of discrimination have significant effects on residents' willingness to fight for their rights.After adding intermediary variable social conflict awareness,we find that social conflict awareness has a significant effect on residents' behavior and willingness to defend their rights.The third part is the analysis of the mediating role of social conflict consciousness.The social trust,Internet participation,discrimination experience and discrimination perception of residents are regarded as independent variables,while the social conflict consciousness of residents is regarded as a mediator variable,and the rights of residents are safeguarded.The behavior of resistance and the willingness to defend rights are regarded as dependent variables to analyze the mediating role of residents' social conflict consciousness.According to the analysis of the residents' rights defense behavior as the dependent variable,the residents' institutional trust will affect the residents' social conflict consciousness and cause indirect negative impact on the residents' rights defense behavior.Residents' experience of discrimination will have an indirect positive impact on the occurrence of residents' rightsdefense behaviors by influencing residents' awareness of social conflicts.According to the analysis of the dependent variable of residents' willingness to defend their rights,the Internet participation,discrimination and discrimination of residents will be through social conflict awareness.Residents' willingness to defend their rights has an indirect positive impact.The inconsistency between the two analysis results indicates to a certain extent that although Chinese residents are affected by many factors,it is easy to enhance their willingness to defend their rights.However,residents will take more rational considerations when they choose to participate in the act of defending their rights.The threshold for action is higher.In addition,from the perspective of social development,rapid social changes have led to endless emergence of new social conflicts,and many interfering factors have a complex impact on the process of changing social conflict facts to individual perception of social conflicts.When we consider the governance of social conflicts,we need not only to govern objective social conflicts,but also to incorporate the phase of reducing Consciousness of Social Conflicts.Concerning the content,both subjective and objective should be carried out at the same time.To reduce Consciousness of Social Conflict,we need to systematically reduce Consciousness of Social Conflict from a systematic perspective,starting from multiple perspectives and levels,by improving the level of social governance,reducing obstacles to the institutional mechanism of residents' participation,meeting the needs of residents' various social participation,strengthening Internet governance,reducing social discrimination and other means,which will also reduce residents' high-risk resistance.Willingness and action,so that society into a virtuous cycle process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Capital, Social Exclusion, Consciousness of Social Conflict, Influencing factors, Mediation effect
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