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Research On The Construction Path Of New Village Community From The Perspective Of Social Capital

Posted on:2021-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ChenFull Text:PDF
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Driven by marketization,modernization and economic benefits,the original villages no longer exist.While the village is pursuing modern development,it also leads to the disintegration of social structure,loose social bonds,and the decline of the village community.In recent years,the inclination of the state,the market,and the society towards the countryside has enabled some“intermediate”villages to use village values to promote modernization while also strengthening social connections and forming a new type of village community.This article uses the perspective of social capital theory to divide social capital into social capital obtained through formal network relationship and informal network relationship,and analyzes the formation of a new type of village community from two aspects:the use of informal relationships by villages and the involvement of formal relationships.The study found that although the impact of the market economy has led to the loosening of traditional social bonds and the atomization of villagers,it has involved villagers in the market and connected them again through economic benefits.The traditional informal relationship that depends on the economy produces new social relationships in the process of economic development,and spontaneously accumulates social capital.The new social relationship and the trust and norms embedded in the relationship further promote economic development.The promoting effect of social capital on economic development has inspired village democracy to take measures to promote the development of informal relations.However,the imbalance between informal relations and economic development has a negative impact.The involvement of formal relations promotes the balance of the two and eliminates the negative effects.And by directly advancing the development of informal relations,the bond connecting villagers will be transitioned from economy to culture,forming a new identity and building a new village community.The research on the construction of new village community points out that market forces promote the emergence of new social relations,and the market has affinity with tradition.The involvement of formal relations promotes the integration of market and informal relations.It enriched rural value perspective.At the same time,it also implies that in a larger space-time range,the future development of rural areas should be positive and optimistic,and will not end,and there is the possibility of rebuilding the community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Village community, social capital, market, country
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