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The United States Has Returned To Sino-Vietnamese Relations In The Context Of The Asia-Pacific Region

Posted on:2020-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330596965276Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the strengthening of China's national strength and the gradual breaking of the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region,Obama,as President of the United States,has vigorously promoted the "Return to Asia-Pacific" strategy,shifting its strategic focus from Central Asia to the Asia-Pacific region.The return of the United States to Asia-Pacific has had an important impact on China-Vietnam relations.At the political level,the United States actively promotes East Asian diplomacy,regards Vietnam as a "new partner country",and the implementation of this strategy by Vietnam to promote the balance of power between China and the US has increased the difficulties in our diplomatic work,adversely affected the stability of Sino-Vietnamese relations,and the fluctuation and decline of Sino-Vietnamese political relations.At the economic level,the United States is attempting to dominate economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region through the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement,the TPP,thereby strengthening the economic ties between China and Vietnam,and Vietnam actively participated in consultations to develop negotiations,which increase competition for US exports to the United States and attract US capital,while also weakening the advantages of our cheap labor force.At the military and security levels,the United States has strengthened its military advantage in the Asia-Pacific region,while Vietnam has used the U.S.military presence in the South China Sea to safeguard its security interests,leading to multiple crises in the South China Sea.This paper attempts to analyze the impact of the United States strategy on ChinaVietnam relations by comparing the Sino-Vietnamese relations before and after the return of the United States to the Asia-Pacific region,as well as the strategy of China's response.We must firmly believe that the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations between China and Vietnam is crucial and significant for strip.
Keywords/Search Tags:China-Vietnam relations, Sino-US relations, U.S.-Vietnam relations, US Asia-Pacific strategy
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