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The Relationship Between Challenge Stressor–Hindrance Stressor And Cyberloafing

Posted on:2020-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596980812Subject:Organization and human resource management
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In the Internet age,networked office has become the main form of office for most enterprise organizations.The network brings high efficiency to organizational operations,but it also brings a management problem that cannot be ignored: During working hours,employees use the work network for private social activities,shopping,reading news and other activities,which seriously reduces work efficiency.This kind of behavior that does not use the Internet for work-related activities during the working hours,is called “cyberloafing” by the academic community.Cyberloafing is widespread in various enterprise organizations,which is concealed and may cause serious consequences.In recent years,it has attracted more and more scholars’ attention.This study aimed to explore how to reduce cyberloafing of individual employees from the organizational level of management.Based on the cognitive transactional theory,this study draws on the idea of stress-emotional model along the logical framework of “environmental characteristics-individual psychology-individual behavior”.In this study,two typical types of work stressors(challenge-hindrance)are used as antecedent variables to explore their respective mechanisms of influence on cyberloafing.Moreover,this study introduces emotional exhaustion(the core dimension of job burnout)as a mediator variable,and constructs a hypothesis model of “work stressor-emotional exhaustion-cyberloafing”.In view of how to reduce the problems caused by emotional exhaustion,the future orientation is also introduced as a moderator variable for analysis and verification.Through the questionnaire survey,205 employees of Hubei,Guangdong,Shanghai,Zhejiang and other regions surveyed and found that: challenge stressors have a significant negative impact on cyberloafing,while hindrance stressors have a significant positive impact on cyberloafing;emotional exhaustion plays a partial intermediary role in the impact of the challenge-hindrance stressors on cyberloafing;future orientation plays a negative role in regulating the effects of hindrance stressors on emotional exhaustion.This study uses literature research,questionnaires,and statistical analysis methods to explore the impact mechanism of challenge-hindrance stressors on cyberloafing.Possible innovations are: first,it enriches the current empirical research results on cyberloafing in China.Secondly,it introduces the future orientation of psychology research as the moderator variable of the mediation effect,and obtains partial verification through empirical analysis.It provides a new perspective for the interaction between individuals and the environment.This study,from the perspective of managers,puts forward corresponding management practice suggestions for the problem of how to effectively reduce the cyberloafing of employees.This has important practical significance for the organization’s human resource management,which can help managers to effectively understand the anti-production behavior(ie,cyberloafing)in this new era,and can take corresponding effective measures to reduce it to improve the efficiency of employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:cyberloafing, challenge stressor, hindrance stressor, emotional exhaustion, future orientation
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