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Research On Multi-channel Supply Chain Pricing And Coordination Under O2O Model

Posted on:2021-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330614971719Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of e-commerce and the popularization of mobile Internet,the O2O(Online To Offline)business model has developed rapidly in recent years,and the sales channels of the supply chain are developing in a diversified direction of deep integration between online and offline.However,this will also produce multi-channel conflict issues,interest distribution issues,etc.The key to solving these problems lies in reasonable product pricing and the establishment of an effective coordination mechanism.To this end,based on economic theory,optimization theory,game theory and supply chain analysis,this paper discusses the pricing and coordination of multi-channel supply chain under different situations such as centralized decision-making,decentralized decisionmaking,and coordinated decision-making.The thesis first analyzes the multi-channel structure of the supply chain under the O2 O model,discusses the pricing mechanism,and then focuses on three types of problems for key modeling and analysis.The first type of problem is to determine the O2 O model multi-channel pricing and coordination strategy under the demand,that is: to explore the optimal pricing strategy and the corresponding sensitivity analysis under centralized decision,decentralized decision,coordinated decision.The study found that centralized pricing decisions have the best overall benefit,and decentralized pricing decisions have room for optimization and improvement,and the use of improved revenue sharing contracts to establish models and redistribute revenue.This coordinated pricing decision can enable manufacturers and retailers to achieve A win-win situation;the second type of problem focuses on the optimization and coordination of retailers’ online and offline unified pricing,that is,under the same retailer’s dual-channel pricing,considering uncertain demand and emergency replenishment In the case of noncooperative games and cooperative games,the optimal pricing and coordination strategies of each channel are discussed separately;the third type of problem focuses on the manufacturer-led multi-channel unified pricing problem,that is: under the same situation of multi-channel pricing,Using channel pricing as an exogenous variable,using channel inventory as a decision variable,considering factors such as uncertain demand and customer transfer between channels,and using improved revenue sharing contracts to coordinate the supply chain under decentralized decision-making to achieve concentration The optimal level under decision-making.In addition,for the supply chain pricing coordination model in the above three problems,this paper has carried out numerical example analysis and sensitivity analysis to discuss the effectiveness and applicability of the coordination model.The sensitivity analysis specifically includes sales promotion level,retail The influence of factors such as the basic market share,various costs,channel loyalty and other factors on the supply chain revenue provides some reference for the members of the supply chain to make decisions.This article includes 37 pictures,11 tables,and 69 references.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multi-channel Supply Chain, Stackelberg Game Theory, Channel Pricing, Contract Coordination, Revenue Sharing Contract
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