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The use of music technology across the curriculum in music education settings: Case studies of two universities

Posted on:2011-04-10Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Cremata, RadioFull Text:PDF
This study is an investigation of the uses of music technology in music education programs in two universities. The purpose of this study was to discover the ways in which music technology was used in two schools of music across the entire music curriculum for music education students. This study detailed the ways in which music technology was implemented into pedagogic practices for all students within the two schools of this study and explored the participants' perceptions and experiences related to music technology. The following research questions guided this study: How is music technology used across the school of music curriculum for music education students in each of the two universities selected? How do the participants in this study learn to use music technology? What are the issues, if any, with incorporating music technology in each of the two universities selected? A qualitative methodology was used with a multiple case study design. Data collection included interviews, field observations, and collection of artifacts. Data analysis included coding of data to reveal themes which included two large categories: learning technology and incorporating technology. The trustworthiness of the final report was established using peer review, member checks, an external audit, and reporting of bias. Results of this study include a lack of music technology integration despite faculty and administrative support to improve music technology integration. Participants were aware of the importance of music technology education and felt that its inclusion was long overdue despite the many challenges associated with integration. A list of suggestions for the profession were considered including the availability of jobs in music technology and music technology education, the need for a broader more attractive/modern curriculum in music education to include music technologies, affordable solutions for incorporating more music technology in music education studies, the effectiveness of music technology on multiple learning modes, alternative solutions to teaching about music technology to include use of community support, the need to add a music technology specialist to the music education faculty in music education programs in pre-service teacher training programs, and lastly, the importance of adding a music technology techniques class to the music education curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music technology, Music education, Two universities, Curriculum, Across
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