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Preliminary Compilation And Application Of The Questionnaire On Emotional Labor Characteristics Of Mental Health Teachers In Primary And Secondary Schools

Posted on:2022-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306773489154Subject:Computer Software and Application of Computer
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Emotional labor refers to a form of labor in which workers use appropriate methods to express and adjust their emotions to better complete the work requirements.Previous studies lack research on emotional labor of primary and secondary school mental health teachers and suitable measurement tools.In order to better understand the characteristics of emotional labor of primary and secondary school mental health teachers and the relationship between emotional labor and competence of primary and secondary school mental health teachers,we explored the study.This study investigated the emotional effort of 395 primary and secondary school mental health teachers in various provinces and cities across the country through study 1.According to the situation of mental health teachers in primary and secondary schools,The Questionnaire on Emotional Labor Characteristics of Primary and Secondary School Mental Health Teachers with good reliability and validity was compiled.Through the second study,the overall characteristics of emotional labor of 481 primary and secondary school mental health teachers in Changsha and the differences in various demographic variables were investigated.Combine with the Mental Health Teachers Competency Characteristics Measurement Questionnaire and Psychological Detachment Scale,the study explored the relationship between mental health teachers’ emotional labor and competency.It also explored the moderating effect of psychological detachment on the two.The study draws the following main conclusions:1."The Questionnaire on Emotional Labor Characteristics of Primary and Secondary School Mental Health Teachers" compiled in this study consists of seven dimensions,including emotional enthusiasm,emotional diversity,surface acting,deep regulation,neutral attitude,emotional disorder and emotional guidance,with a total of 30 questions.The overall ɑ coefficient of the questionnaire is 0.923,and the ɑcoefficient of all dimensions is between 0.777-0.901.The indexes of confirmatory factor analysis are RMSEA=0.054,and TLI,CFI,IFI>0.9.he questionnaire has high reliability and validity,which can effectively reflect the emotional labor characteristics of primary and secondary school mental health teachers.2.There are significant differences in the emotional labor of mental health teachers in Changsha in three demographic variables,including age,teaching age,and employment(full-time or part-time).3.The three dimensions of emotional labor of teachers of mental health education in primary and secondary schools,including emotional guidance,neutral attitude and deep regulation,are significantly positively correlated with each dimension of competence.In addition,the three can jointly predict the variation of44.6% of competency.4.Psychological detachment has a negative moderating effect between the total score of emotional labor,emotional enthusiasm,emotional diversity,surface acting,deep regulation and competence.This study compiled a special emotional labor measurement tool for primary and secondary school mental health teachers,which enriched the quantitative research of mental health teachers’ emotional labor.In addition,it provided the basis for the emotional labor strategy of mental health teachers in education and teaching practice,and provided guidance for the normal education of primary and secondary school mental health education,the induction training and on-the-job training of primary and secondary school mental health teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emotional labor, Competency, Mental health teachers, Psychological detachment
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