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Research On The Improvement Of Learning Ability Of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations Under The Background Of Rural Revitalization

Posted on:2022-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B H SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306323984059Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural primary-level party organizations are the foundation of the party's overall work and combat effectiveness in the rural areas.The new tasks,new practices,and new challenges of rural revitalization in the new era put forward new requirements for rural primary-level party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres in terms of ability,quality,and skills.Rural primary-level party membesr and cadres must continuously not only improve their ideological and political quality,moral quality,leadership,decision-making,execution,and management skills,but also enhance their ability to effectively manage rural areas,revitalize industries,and build civilized rural customs.This requires that the majority of rural primary-level party members and cadres should consciously study,continue to learn,and be good at learning in the practice of rural revitalization,and continuously improve the learning ability of rural the primary-level party organizations.The learning ability of rural primary-level party organizations is the essential strength that rural primary-level party members and cadres show in the learning process,and it is the organic unity of learning motivation,learning perseverance,learning ability,and learning transformation ability.Among them,learning motivation is the internal driving force of the learning subject,which determines whether learning can occur;learning perseverance is the maintaining factor of learning behavior,which determines whether learning can be sustained;learning ability is the core force and basic element of learning ability,which determines learning whether it can be implemented;learning transformation ability is a key component of learning ability,which determines whether the learning subject can transform and use learning results.Continuously improving the learning ability of rural primary-level party organizations and party members and cadres is conducive to promoting rural revitalization strategies,the construction of the rural primary-level learning party organizations,and consolidating the party's ruling foundation in rural areas.At present,the overall level of learning ability of rural primary-level party organizations has a low level,which does not match the requirements of the rural revitalization strategy for the ability and quality of rural primary-level party organizations,and the specific goals of building learning the party organization.Based on the learning practices of rural primary-level party organizations,it carefully analyzes the four aspects of learning motivation,learning perseverance,learning ability and learning transformation ability with the theory of learning ability,which is served as an analysis tool,and puts forward the existing deficiencies of rural primary-level party organizations and their party members and cadres and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.First,in terms of learning motivation,some rural primary-level party members and cadres still lack a sense of urgency and sense of crisis,especially in the learning process with unclear learning goals and single learning content.This leads to low learning awareness,initiative,and enthusiasm.Consequently,it is necessary to strengthen ideals and beliefs,strengthen the sense of mission and responsibility,turn ability panic into a sense of crisis in learning,clarify learning goals,continuously enrich learning content in order to adapt to the new requirements of rural revitalization.Second,in terms of learning perseverance,nowadays some rural primary-level party members and cadres still have problems such as lacking continuity and persistence in learning,weakly lifelong learning concepts,lacking a good learning atmosphere,and unsound learning assessment and incentive systems.For this reason,the rural primary-level party members and cadres must strengthen the persistence of learning.It is the high time to not only must learning concept,insist on lifelong learning,cultivate the learning culture of the rural primary-level party organizations,and actively create a good learning atmosphere;at the same time establish and improve the learning assessment system and incentive system of the rural primary-level party organizations to form a long-term restraint mechanism for "mandatory learning".Third,in terms of improving learning ability,some rural primary-level party members and cadres still have problems of learning without thinking,the disunity of knowing and doing,insufficient independent learning ability,outdated learning methods,single learning methods,and insufficient use of advanced Internet and other new media.To solve these problems,the rural primary-level party members and cadres must study diligently,focus on the combination of learning and thinking,and strengthen their thinking ability;they must continuously optimize learning conditions and improve their self-study ability;strengthen centralized training and advocate team learning;expand learning methods,innovate learning methods,and improve Learning efficiency.Finally,in terms of learning transformation ability,in order to solve the problems of disjoints of learning and application,the lack of practical application ability and transformation ability of the learned knowledge,it is proposed that the rural primary-level party members and cadres should be good at applying what they have learned,achieving the unity of knowing and doing,having the courage to practice,and turning knowledge into abilities;they also should be good at using the knowledge what they have learned to guide the practice of rural revitalization,applying the economic knowledge what they have learned to revitalization of rural industry,flexibly using management knowledge,improving rural governance capabilities,and fully using what they have learned to promote the construction of rural customs and civilization;furthermore,they should establish and improve the transformation mechanism of learning results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural revitalization, rural primary-level party organizations, learning ability
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