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Research On The Obstacles And Optimal Paths For Social Organizations To Participate In Rural Revitalization

Posted on:2022-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306566486204Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy is a major systematic and long-term task to promote the modernization of China's agricultural and rural areas,and a general grasp to solve the "three rural" problems in the new era.Vigorously developing rural areas is the focus of the party and the government,and is the only way to realize the rich life of farmers.In the new era,the development of China's rural areas is facing new challenges.To promote rural revitalization,a highly complex and arduous systematic project,we need not only to play the leading role of the party and government in policy-making,but also the participation of the whole society.As an important part of social forces,social organizations play an indispensable role in promoting the construction of new countryside and realizing rural revitalization.In the new era,the participation of social organizations in Rural Revitalization is an important way to innovate the participation of multiple subjects in rural development.Based on the polycentric governance theory and actor network theory,this paper focuses on the functions and advantages of social organizations in the Rural Revitalization Strategy,analyzes the relevant factors influencing the effective participation of social organizations in Rural Revitalization by using grounded theory,and puts forward the corresponding optimization strategies with practical significance.In order to promote the effective participation of social organizations in rural revitalization,social organizations in Guangdong,Sichuan and other regions have made beneficial attempts in promoting industrial prosperity,enhancing villagers' autonomy,training local organizations and talents,and achieved outstanding results.Through field research and interview data collection,this paper collected four typical cases of domestic social organizations' effective participation in rural revitalization,and used the grounded theory method to make a comparative analysis of the obstacles of social organizations' participation in Rural Revitalization in the new period.Finally,it summarizes the relevant experience and difficulties of social organizations participating in rural revitalization,such as the lack of villagers' subjective consciousness,the absence of subjectivity,the defects of internal governance,the lack of organizational talents,the lack of internal resources and so on.In view of these problems,this paper proposes to optimize the rural environment,improve the internal governance of social organizations,improve government policies,and establish the cooperation mechanism of social organizations,so as to provide strong momentum for social organizations to participate in Rural Revitalization.The results show that: rural environment,internal governance of social organizations,government policy factors and cooperation ability of social organizations are the important factors that hinder the effective participation of social organizations in rural revitalization,and have an important impact on the participation of social organizations in rural governance.Among them,the internal governance factors of social organizations are the core factors that affect the participation of social organizations in rural revitalization,the rural environment and villagers' recognition are the basic factors that affect the participation of social organizations,and the government policy factors and the cooperation ability of social organizations are the guarantee factors that affect the participation of social organizations in Rural Revitalization.Based on this,this paper puts forward the optimization strategy of social organizations' effective participation in Rural Revitalization.First of all,optimize the rural environment,and provide a good rural environment for social organizations by striving for the support of the two village committees,cultivating rural social organizations,enhancing the trust of villagers and cultivating rural leading talents.Secondly,improve the internal governance of social organizations.By attracting public welfare talents,improving the incentive mechanism,strengthening organizational communication and clarifying organizational strategy,the ability of social organizations to participate in Rural Revitalization can be improved.Thirdly,improve government policies.By establishing a good dialogue mechanism and improving policies and laws,social organizations can participate in Rural Revitalization and provide political guarantee.Finally,strengthen the cooperation mechanism of social organizations.Through the localization of organizations,strengthening the capacity building of social organizations,and establishing the cooperation platform of social organizations,we can provide platform support for social organizations to participate in Rural Revitalization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Organization, Rural Governance, Rural Revitalization, Optimization strategy
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