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Two Examples Of Chemistry Teaching Design And Implementation Of Project-based Learning In Senior High School

Posted on:2022-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306755989029Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education is the foundation of a century-long project.At the call of the Times,the country has put forward higher requirements for talent training,and the education in the new era is also undergoing great changes.To face the future,education must go ahead of the development of science,technology and economy.Under the guidance of the education concept of the new curriculum reform,the important position of subject core literacy is beyond doubt.It is the concentrated embodiment of the value of subject education and the correct value,essential character and key ability gradually formed by students through subject learning.The core accomplishment of chemistry in senior high school fully demonstrates the important value of chemistry course learning for students’ future development.A large number of studies at home and abroad have proved that project learning is one of the effective ways to cultivate students’ core literacy.Project-based teaching emphasizes to solve one after another real and meaningful problems that reflect the nature of knowledge.By solving these driving problems,we can constantly think and explore,develop higher-order thinking,master the core knowledge of the subject,and improve core literacy and key abilities.The paper is divided into six parts:The first part introduces the background of project-based teaching applied to chemistry classroom teaching in high school,and finds that project-based teaching is beneficial to the development of students’ core accomplishment.Through consulting a large number of relevant books and literature at home and abroad,this paper sorted out the research status of project-based teaching at home and abroad,and analyzed the domestic research status from four perspectives: project-based teaching mode,project-based teaching problems and countermeasures,project-based teaching evaluation,and project-based teaching design and implementation application based on chemistry.The second part mainly describes the core concepts of project-based teaching and related theories,which provides theoretical support for the research.Then,it analyzes and summarizes the basic characteristics and construction steps of project-based teaching.The third part mainly introduces the research content,research purpose,research methods and research ideas based on the previous literature review and theoretical discussion.The fourth part,through interviews with front-line teachers,preliminarily understand the application and implementation difficulties of project-based teaching in front-line teaching.The survey found that project-based teaching is seldom used in senior high schools,and frontline teachers believe that senior high school teaching is characterized by tight class hours and heavy tasks.It is hoped that the application of project-based teaching in high school chemistry teaching can be popularized by miniaturization of projects,improvement of school facilities,and increase of teacher-training activities related to project-based teaching.Based on the interview results and existing literature,the teaching strategies and general models of projectbased teaching are proposed.The fifth part,through the design of two project-based learning--Making bleacher by students and Exploring the secrets of instant hotpot,the corresponding project-based teaching practice.Then,on the basis of the evaluation questionnaire for the buck institute of education,the ability of literacy is divided into "access to information ability,group interactive cooperation ability,creativity and critical thinking ability,and results show" four dimensions,improve and extend the student questionnaire,understand the impact of the project type teaching to the student ability quality.The sixth part,through the questionnaire survey and data analysis,found that the application of project-based teaching in high school chemistry teaching has a certain feasibility;Project-based teaching plays a positive role in improving students’ core accomplishment of chemistry.It can improve students’ ability to use information retrieval system and query technology,improve their group cooperation ability,promote the development of students’ creativity and critical thinking ability,and enhance their selfconfidence.Finally,based on the actual situation,the shortcomings of the study and the future research prospects are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project-based Learning, Core Literacy, High School Chemistry, Instructional Design
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