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Research On Local Government Cooperation Mechanism Under The Background Of Yangtze River Delta Integration

Posted on:2023-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556306791494924Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of regional economy is an important engine to improve the overall kinetic energy of China’s economic development in the 14 th five-year Plan stage.The integration strategy of long two corners is also an important economic strategy to consolidate the socialist field economy of our country.With the acceleration of world economic globalization,the integration of Yangtze River Delta has experienced the stage of "Shanghai-Jiangsu and Zhejiang" integration and gradually changed to the ubiquitous form of "Shanghai-Jiangsu,Zhejiang-Anhui" integration.Fuyang city and Suzhou city in the Yangtze River Delta region have many industries with high correlation and strong complementarity,and at the same time,the two areas have broad space for dislocation development.Therefore,Su Fu pair has a certain typicality and representativeness in helping this case.Industry,highly complementary industry,at the same time,the two regions have a broad space for misplaced development,so Su Fu pair support this case list has a certain typicality and representativeness.This paper adopts the method of literature research,collect the data information,online and offline focus on cases of Fuyang city government progress,at the same time,combined with the case study method,for the Yangtze river delta integration under the background of government cooperation mechanism construction integration of research,interviews and questionnaire survey method was adopted on the other hand,to explore with the growing of the economy,In the process of economic development of Yangtze River Delta integration,the problems existing in government cooperation mechanism become more and more serious.This paper studies the cooperation mechanism of local governments by taking the Suzhou-Fu pair assistance under the background of the integration of Yangtze River Delta as an example,aiming to analyze the social governance level of local governments in various fields,find appropriate cooperation methods and build a perfect cooperation mechanism.In terms of innovation of this paper point,on the one hand,from the perspectives of research point of view,this article is based on "difference" plan period,the new perspective of the integration of Yangtze river delta cooperation,combined with the regional integration,directional analysis way of cooperation of local government,under the "new triangle" the development background,combined with the recent new Suzhou and Fuyang formation of the pairing support mode of cooperation,Formulate the research framework of this paper and supplement the case studies in the micro field.On the other hand,from the perspective of research methods,this paper mainly combines the development coordination theory of local government,horizontal coordination mechanism theory and holistic governance theory to explore the scope of impact of regional development level ladder on different cities.At the same time,combining theories and practical cases,this paper discusses the new background of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.How to make use of favorable policy and share data resources to create a new intergovernmental cooperation mechanism and promote intergovernmental cooperation and innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional economy, Yangtze River Delta integration, local government, pair assistance, cooperation mechanism
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