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Research On The Implementation Of Talent Introduction Policy In Sheyang County

Posted on:2024-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G F TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307157967589Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Talents are the most valuable resource for the high-quality development of economic society.As the "first resource" and "strategic resource",they have become the core elements of the comprehensive competitive strength of the region,and have received more and more attention from party committees and governments at all levels.In recent years,the "battle" for talents has become more and more fierce.Local talent introduction policies have been frequently introduced,strengthened,the openness has been continuously enhanced,and the coverage of applicable target groups has been further expanded,in order to attract and retain talents.Sheyang county as the county city,north Jiangsu region adhere to the strategy of "talent strong county" strategy,cohesion implementation of talent attract plan,gather talent to promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation,formed by the "yellow pearl talent sun plan" policy is given priority to,other policy for talent introduction policy system,from the talent policy attraction to the talent introduction work results,are in Yancheng counties downtown the first echelon,have certain representative.Therefore,this paper using Smith model and related theory,to sheyang talent introduction policy implementation as the research object,through the literature research,investigation and research methods,mainly studied the sheyang current main talent introduction policy content,policy implementation status,the existing problems and the cause of the formation,and put forward the corresponding optimization strategy according to the actual situation.In this paper,through the analysis,found that sheyang talent introduction policy in the process of implementation,weak policy content competitiveness,the introduction of talent effect is not ideal,implement the main body synergy is not enough,effective propulsion force is not formed,the target group enthusiasm is not high,the policy participation effect is not significant,the environment low adaptation degree,high quality resources guarantee.At the same time,combined with the Smith model and the survey results,combining theory and empirical,analyzes the causes of the problems in the policy implementation,and put forward to strengthen the talent introduction of the top design,speed up the integration optimization policy text,clear execution subject responsibility list,improve the target evaluation mechanism,build the target group platform for communication,normal policy promotion,priority personnel service support,build quality policy implementation environment and other related countermeasures and Suggestions.It is hoped that the research in this paper can provide help for the optimization of the implementation of talent introduction policy in Sheyang County,and provide reference and help for other county-level cities in improving the implementation of the implementation of talent introduction policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:talent introduction policy, policy implementation, Smith model, Sheyang County
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