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Sichuan The Deyang Huangxu Voice Department Investigation

Posted on:2008-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M RaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215499178Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis first describes the phonetic system of a new discovered Xiang dialect island in Deyang city Sichuan province. According to the field investigation and the method of sociolinguistics , the author compares the phonetic systems with that of both the middle ancient Chinese language.From the"huguang filling Sichuan",Huangxu towm was a resettlement place.A lot of people emigrated to Huangxu town,which influence the language in locality.By the encirclment of official language in southwest,Huangxu hua is close to it,by the time,it preserves some characteristics of Hunan dialect.Totally ,the voiced initials have disappeared.the rule of voicelesslization is the same as official language in southwest.The minority of the ancient initials become the aspirated initials no matter the tone is平or仄,which insist in some place of Hunan province. Some initials which preserve for the time being ,both the aspirated or non-aspirated can be differentiated the literal reading and the colloquial reading , or the new variety and the old variety. The知庄章groups divide to three portions.Retroflex is preserved in huangxu dialect.Some ancient知庄章initials are also be the palatal.But the quantity is less than精initials,which is related to the xiang dialect.The rhymes'characteristics are as follows: the middle ancient yang-sheng rhymes finals ,yin-sheng rhymes finals and the ru-sheng rhymes finals are merged or mixed in pronunciation in some degree. The ru-sheng rhymes tails all disappeared. The ru-sheng rhymes finals merged into yin-sheng rhymes finals. The evolution of the tongue-position of the main vowels of Huangxu dialect phonology shows the shift-chain characteristics of upgrading,backwardlizing,and then frontlizing ,ect.There are differences bettwen Huangxu dialect's tones system and official language in southwest.the first tone44, the second tone21,the third tone51,the fourth tone24. The ancient voiced initials mainly preserve in the second tone,the first tone and the fourth tone.The chapter 6 mainly goes to the tonal suppletion , such as differences between the literal reading and the colloquial reading , ect. We try to describe the different layers of the Huangxu dialect's phonology and reveal the motivation behind its phonetic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiang dialect, Huangxu dialect, phonology, dialectology, historical comparison, sociolinguistics
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