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A Study On Aesthetic Awareness Of Advertising From1978to2008

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X DuFull Text:PDF
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Advertising is the product of the development of commodity economy, and its level of development tends to become the standard measure of economic prosperity of a country or region. Advertising is also a mirror of social development, in which we can see national ideals, social culture and public awareness. As a practical art form, the ad contains a unique aesthetic attributes and aesthetic rules, people who design the ads is actually creating aesthetic when people who watch the ads is accepting aesthetics. Since the reform and opening up, the advertising in China experienced from recovery to prosperity, from scarce to abundant, while people's advertising awareness also has experienced from the misreading to an objective view and rational criticism. The change of the advertising is actually the change of consumer awareness and aesthetic sense as well. Describing and explaining the rheology of the advertising aesthetic sense is a historic task to review and reflect on mass concept and aesthetic fashion in the30years. However, most past researches focused on the review of the history of economic development in China's advertising, but rarely care about the history of our advertising aesthetic.Based on it, this study intends to commence exploration on the advertising aesthetic changes in China between1978and2008, from a micro perspective, including content like analyzing ads aesthetic background from aesthetic thought and advertising practices, analyzing changes of Art and Design as advertising is an important chain of development of commodity economy, analyzing aesthetic psychological changes of comsumers as advertising is mass consumption-oriented, analyzing changes of audience aesthetic experience from cultural symbols and values spread by advertising. In order to avoid too much experience and factual description in this thesis, this study is divided on two articles, one focused on theoretical explanation of advertising aesthetic and the other focused on description of the experience of advertising behavior.In the background, this paper reviews1980s aesthetic trend, aesthetic culture boom in the1990s and the Aestheticization in the21st century. At the same time, it reviews the process of the commercials from recovery to prosperity, which has become an important part of the national economy now.The second part is rich in content which focus on rheological of advertising aesthetic awareness. At first, from the perspective of aesthetic expression of advertising works, this part analyzes Ad change with time from scarce to competitive, from practical to artistic, from utilitarian to unified with truth, goodness and beauty. Then, from the perspective of the concept of Ad audience, it discusses changes in aesthetic acceptance which has imformed from passive to active then to the interactive, changes in aesthetic taste which developed from secular to detached and changes in aesthetic psychology from perception feeling to emotional identification. Affected by the aesthetic sense, advertising style design also appeared features of regularity in the conrresponding. In the1980s, the simple concise Ads followed the strategy that can be called"repeating is attention". Advertising of the1990s followed the strategy called that "extravagance is appealing", while in the new century, advertising tends to follow the strategy named"art is contagious". There is no doubt all of these changes are not to prove that there is an absolute distinction between the three historical periods. This paper only reveals the general, intuitive trend, and is not to deny the synchronic and integration features of advertising aesthetic characteristics.In addition to examine its aesthetic changes as advertising being seen as a watch object, this study also analysizy the changes of advertising as it is a finished product being spread and evaluated. This is mainly reflected as follows:advertising media developed from single to integrated, advertising creative developed from conscious to self-confidence, advertising criticism developed from communication context criticism which is mostly positive and economic development-oriented, to multi-vision criticism of the cultural context in which social and cultural shaping is mainly noted.The following part is focused on experience description of advertising development. Many advertisers case has been interpreted, inclouding aesthetic analysis of classical representative advertisement in different historical periods, strategies and effects analysis of certain brands at different times and analysis of changes in the creative concept of well-known advertiser. Through case interpretation, we can see advertising aesthetic rheology in historical perspective.As modern advertising aesthetic is affected by the advertising image of the ad, to a large extent, common image and element in the advertising are considered too, like celebrity advertising effect and female symbol effect used in advertisements. At the same time, the extent of advertising aesthetics will be defferent with the advertising changes in the nature, so this paper also discusses the defferences in the aesthetic creation and aesthetic performance among public service advertising, advertising theme video and traditional commercial advertising.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new era advertising, aesthetic sense, historical evolution, utilitarian, artistic
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