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Reality Of The History Of Decisive And The Main Selective Look At The Combination Of Public Ownership Of The Primary Stage Of Socialism And The Market Economy - From A Theoretical Perspective Of The Social Form Of Evolution

Posted on:2002-01-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360032951051Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taking the dialectical relationships of the forms of the ownership of the means ofproduction and the moving patterns of the social economy in the course of the development ofthe social form as the logical start-point, the features of dialectical unity of the object-decisionand subject selection in the course of the development of the social form of the human societyas the main logical clue, encircling tightly the dialectical unity of the natural historicalcharacter and the value-laden character of the human history standing upon the fundamentalconditions of the primitive Stage of socialism in our country after rethinking the marketeconomy under the capitalist private ownership and the planning economy under the socialistpublic ownership, the author puts most of his energy to bring the historical necessity and thevalue rationality of the unification of the socialist public ownership and the market economy inthe primary stage of socialism in our country and provides a rational and analogicalframework for the subjective choice of building socialist market economy in present China.The whole theses is divided into five parts, a introduction and four chapters, which maincontents are as follows:The introduction's main content are: stating the theoretical and practical significance ofthe study of the subject of combining the public ownership with the market economy acrossthe time and space in the socialist primitive stage in our country; summarizing the phasicachievements and shortcomings on the study of combining public ownership with the marketeconomy in and out of China; founding the foundation and finding out the start-point of thistheses; defining philosophically such main concepts used in this theses as Ownership of theMeans of Production, Economic Operating Form, Public Ownership of the Means ofProduction, Classical Public Ownership, Traditional PubIic Ownership, Modern Publicownership, Market Economy, etc; explaining the dialectical relationship between the GeneralOWnership and the Economic Opeihg Forms; constructing the logic start-point and the logicframework;and getting read for the next argument.In the firSt chapter, after analyzing the basic historical characters of the combination ofthe capitalist private ownership and the market economy the author Sumniarizts the merits andthe demerits of the caPitalist maret economy under the Private 6whership, examiries closelyand dialectically the new features of governrnen interv6nhon and ecbnomiC plang of themodern capitaist world after Wold War â…¡; sums up the political, economic and cultural crisesaroused from the spontaneous movement of the capitalist market economy under the privateownership. By doing so, the author exposes the historical necessary tendency for the privateownership to move towards the Public ownership. The celltr8l idea of this chaPer is that thefutUre of the caPitaiSt market economy under the private ownership is socialist markteconomy under the public ownership, Which is ed as the periphery capitaliSt consuIfation fOrthe combination of public ownership and market economy in the primary stage of socialism inmodem China.In the second chaPtef, the author rethinks the tortUous historical development of thesoculist planning economy under the public ownership, reviews the histOrical course of ourcombining the public ownership's value objectives with the planning economy summarizesthe great achievemellts gained by the planning economy; then analyzes the inner contradictionsof the traditional planning economy of the traditional planning economy under the publicownership; exPlains the efficienCy-decreasing fate of the traditional planning economy underthe public ownership; clarfies the aftermaths caused by the traditional planning economywhich rejects the markat economy in the operatng course; by doing so, the author interpretsthe histOrical necessity of combining the public ownership with the markat economy in theprimary s...
Keywords/Search Tags:Combination
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