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Inheritance And Variation Interaction And Innovation

Posted on:2007-06-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R XuFull Text:PDF
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The contemporary Chinese ethnic and folk dance is a concept with extended meaning. It is neither simple stage dance art nor simple folk dance culture, but a comprehensive live culture connecting the two fields together. The modern and contemporary Chinese culture has experienced several important historic processes, with which the Chinese ethnic and folk dance has also experienced a complex development. The choreographed stage works are apparent indication of it. In the beginning of new century, just as other Chinese traditional cultures, Chinese ethnic and folk dance is also trying to build up its own cultural system in the complicated multi cultural environment according to the experiences of past few decades. The choreographed stage works play an important role in it. Therefore, the choreographies of Chinese ethnic and folk dance become a very important object of contemporary Chinese culture study.The present study on Chinese ethnic and folk dance is short of a macro-view and is not ready to build up a systemic and completed cognition. As a knowledge of studying the relationship between dance and natural and social environment, Dance Ecology put dance as core subject in the environment, not only providing a methodology of macro and multi-observation, but also providing an operational entrance of form analysis. Wherefore, the standing point of study of this dissertation is, on the basis of noumenal and positive analysis on contemporary choreographies of Chinese ethnic and folk dance, to put the choreographies into the whole environment for a multi-observation.Firstly is making clear the concept of Chinese ethnic and folk dance. The concept is a multi-level concept with Chinese characteristic. Every level have flexible interface and interconnect and interact each other to establish a completed system. Secondly is analyzing the sample choreographies of contemporary Chinese ethnic and folk dance. It is a noumenal aesthetic and phenomenal analysis connecting with the whole cultural background. Thirdly is jumping out of the empirical professional dance field and putting the choreographies into a wider historic and cultural environment, from the view of globalization, to find the cultural meaning of contemporary Chinese ethnic and folk dance choreographies, which is to join the historic split between the tradition and modern and the cultural difference between the east and west self-consciously. Lastly is coming to a systemic full understanding on the cultural phenomena of contemporary Chinese ethnic and folk dance. It is an important part of the whole construction of Chinese contemporary culture, especially has vivid socialist attribute with Chinese characteristic.Tradition and modern will become an ultimate proposition for Chinese ethnic and folk dance. The constant argument is actually a process to refill the cultural vacancy and rebuild the cultural confidence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese ethnic and folk dance, choreography, aesthetic, cultural phenomena, environment
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