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National Identity, Ethnic Identity And National Identity, The Symbiotic Relationship Between Research,

Posted on:2012-04-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116330335479921Subject:Marxism Ethnic Theory and Policy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human's explicit motion is actuated by tacit consciousness while external relationship reflects internal structure. Therefore, nationality study does not only include explicit representation such as nationality, the development of nationality, nationality relations and the relations between nationalities and states, but also tacit elements such as ethnic identity, inter-ethnic identity and national identity as well as the correlation among three kinds of identity mentioned above in order to counteract the tension and conflict among all kinds of identity and their symbiosis and harmony. Based on the consideration above, this search emphasizes the symbiosis relation of ethnic identity, inter-ethnic identity and national identity.Ethnic identity, inter-ethnic identity and national identity are three important identity modalities inside the multinational state. Three kinds of identity has close relationship with the development of nationality, nationality and nationality, nationality and state that nationality issue involves.From the angle of the relationship of ethnic identity, inter-ethnic identity and national identity, ethnic identity has formed a relationship of competition and symbiosis with inter-ethnic identity on the lateral while with national identity on the vertical. Ethnic identity includes a sense,of belonging and endorsement. The former matters to identity and division and involves the issue of belonging while the latter matters to the attitude and emotion to one's own nationality. Therefore, each nationality has positive and negative identity on the condition that a sense of belonging is definite. In the process of inter-ethnic communication, different attitude, recognition and evaluation toward oneself and others bring different integration pattern which forms different competition and symbiosis relation between ethnic identity and inter-ethnic identity. Positive identity toward oneself and bias toward other nationalities will easily form completely competition relation between ethnic identity and inter-ethnic identity. Negative identity toward oneself and bias toward other nationalities will easily shape the state of mutual isolation between ethnic identity and inter-ethnic identity. Only each nationality that participates communication has positive and healthy self-identity and compatible incentive and attitude toward other nationalities, there is a possibility that ideal and harmonious symbiosis relation can be shaped between ethnic identity and inter-ethnic identity which includes the process of native rendering as well as factitious construction and building.Not only tension and conflict, but also harmonious symbiosis exists between ethnic identity and national identity. The contradiction between state-building and national development, the inter-ethnic imbalance of economic interests, negative ethnic identity, etc will possibly form tension and conflict between ethnic identity and national identity. But contradiction and conflict is not constant which can harmoniously co-exist. National identity comprises a sense of belonging and endorsement. Fundamental elements that constitutes a sense of belonging includes territory, history, culture and compatriot etc. that intercross and overlap the elements of ethnic identity and become common resources of two kinds of identity which is one of the bases for the co-existence of them. Ethnic identity and national identity meets different needs under different occasions. Ethnic identity can touch deep emotion of human and has strong capability of social mobilization while national identity, as general character and rational recognition, has the capability of bridging discrepancy. National identity needs to draw support from ethnic power of ethnic identity while ethnic identity needs the rational elements of national identity. This complementary of function is another significant basis of the harmonious symbiosis of ethnic identity and national identity.The inter-ethnic cultural intercommunion, economic complementary and reciprocity, common historical destiny even the same color of skin or human race character under the certain inter-ethnic circumstance will possibly form the inter-ethnic steady intersection of general character and shared pattern which generates inter-ethnic identity. The intertwined and interlink psychological consciousness network that the inter-ethnic identity paves is the psychological basis and mental power of national unity and the deep soil that the national identity can generate and develop. Only to derive, purify the positive achievement of inter-ethnic identity, national identity can obtain the constant dynamical and headspring for its development. On the contrary, only the inter-ethnic identity accepts the protocol and guiding can it obtain significance, aim and the orientation of development.Among ethnic identity, inter-ethnic identity and national identity, the state which has special function and absolute resources it has can protect ethnic identity and actualize national actualization policy as well as accelerate the construction of inter-ethnic identity while destroy it by virtue of the power of system and norm. Therefore, national identity occupies the leading status in this sense and when national identity can protect and show respect to ethnic identity while accelerate the construction of the inter-ethnic identity, it can promote the harmony and symbiosis among the three kinds of identity...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethnic identity, Inter-ethnic identity, National identity, Relationship of symbiosis
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