Socialism of the world was encountered a serious setback at the end of lastcentury. The Communist Party of USSR, Which had won the October Revolution andstarted a new area of human history, had lost its' governing status silently after 74 years'reigning the USSR. The Communist Party of China had also experienced the severestpolitical storm with serious international and national surroundings since it came intopower. Can China keep peace forever? Can CPC be in the saddle forever too? What isthe factor that China and CPC must depend on to keep peace and come into power? Inpoint of history, CPC must solve the governance problem Guided by Marxist historicalmaterialism and the important thought of Three Represents, and based by the reigningpractice of the Communist party of Soviet Union and CPC, the dissertation consists ofthe concept, base, crisis and safeguarding of legitimacy, mainly studies the governancelegitimacy of CPC. The dissertation is divided into six chapters. Chapter one generally dissertates the headstream of legitimacy theory and theadvance of proposition that CPC comes into power. The legitimacy theory has longstanding in west world. Paying attention to the turbulence of political situation thatdeveloping countries have behaved after the World War II, impels the legitimacytheory. The legitimacy theory includes a lot of content. The dissertation generalizes it asfour basal parts, that is the concept, base, crisis and safeguarding of legitimacy, and putsforward the author's own views. The value of the legitimacy theory is that it primarilyfixes attention on the rise and fall of the government, while materialist conception ofhistory primarily fixes attention on the rule that the social formation itself evolves. Thedissertation affirms the positive result of western legitimacy theory and brings up itslocalization at the same time. To study the governance legitimacy of CPC must insist onMarxist historical materialism, especially class viewpoint and national viewpoint. Chapter two analyses the legitimacy base that CPC comes into power. Thelegitimacy base means legitimacy source, which is the basic factor to decide thepolitical attitude of people. The dissertation analyses kinds of statements concerninglegitimacy base, argues that legitimacy base consist of ideology base, democracy andlegality base, economic performance base. The dissertation discusses legitimacy base ofCPC reigning from two facets. The first point is relation between giving and acceptingpower, and the second is relation of benefit representing. The system that the people arethe masters of the country chooses CPC to rule the government. Governance by CPCmeans that it leads and supports the people in acting as the masters of the country. Thepeople regard CPC as representative of their interests, so CPC rules the government tosafeguard the interests of the people. The relation between giving and accepting powerdecides that of benefit representing. Finally, regarding as core, the author discusses thefunction mechanism that how legitimacy base props up legitimacy, that is to begin withreigning idea of representing the people's interests, then reigning practice of developingadvanced productivity and culture, and finally to realize the people's interests. Torealize the people's interests is end-result and the key of function mechanism. Chapter three inquires into the legitimacy crisis that CPC is in power. On the baseof investigating the domestic and abroad legitimacy theories about the explanations oflegitimacy crisis, the definition of the legitimacy crisis first given in this chapter is thatthe legitimacy is in a condition of descending or running off, and it points to the strainedand conflicted political order, which results from the masses wavering their faith andlowering their support degree in the political system. The legitimacy crisis that CPC isin power is t... |