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Sustainable Development Of Measurement Methods Of Systems Analysis

Posted on:2004-10-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G SongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Issue of sustainable development measurement this paper researched is the keyproblem in the study of sustainable development at present.The paper aims at application methods study. We research on various domestic and overseas measure ideas222 application on sustainable development measurement based on integrative analysis, then provide information about both theory contents and its developing course of sustainable development measures theories by coordinating and evaluating on the existing up-to-date measurements of sustainable development. The paper also finds the latent methodological systems by comparing,analyzing and abstracting the mutual parts among different measurements according to their similarities and differences. In addition, we expound the connotation of sustainable development thoroughly and put forward some reasonable explain of sustainable development basic theory along with switch of each chapter222s different study point of view.The whole paper consists of six chapters. The first chapter shows necessary research background of sustainable development and sustainable development measures, the content of this part is independent comparatively.The main part of the paper is from the second chapter to the sixth chapter.In chapter two we study on economic explanation of sustainable development. In this chapter we research some keystone of microcosmic unsustainable using modern economic theory and demonstrate the two macro-property of sustainable development: non-linearity and stratification.The study of chapter three focus on quantitative research of ecosystem services.It has two basic aspects: ecosystem services value measures and 223ecological footprint224 measures.In the fourth chapter we analyze systemically on statistical indicators of sustainable development. It solves problems of filtering and systematizing of sustainable development indicators. We also analyze and evaluate the structure of existing kinds of sustainable development indicator systems. Based on chapter four, in chapter five we study on synthetic evaluation method of sustainable development and analyze harmonizing method,weight determining and synthesizing method of sustainable development systemically. The sixth chapter is the last chapter of the paper. We study on the issue of sustainable development accounts. It has two sections discussing questions of accounts framework and total amount indicators of sustainable development respectively. The purpose of the research is to construct a .bridge. between theory innovation and policy practice of sustainable development and to provide better information for sustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sustainable Development, Measurement
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