Since World War II, the human ecological and environmental problems and thecrisis of survival is increasingly apparent, the sustainable development of humansociety is facing tough challenges. This forces the human to continue to explore theroad of sustainable development. But in the end, what is sustainable development?The Marx or without discussion on sustainable development? Marx sustainabledevelopment theory is it? These problems are of great theoretical and practicalsignificance for China to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainabledevelopment, but the study of this problem is obviously insufficient.This article first explains the concept of sustainable development, the generalsummed up within the harmony of man and nature, and to ensure the generation ofsustainable development, intergenerational equity. Secondly, Marx sustainabledevelopment thinking literature that Marx is indeed the idea of sustainabledevelopment, and explores the relationship between man and nature books about theimportance of sustainable development, social systems and ecological problemscontent. Again, a systematic study of Marx’s theory of sustainable development, broadsummary of Marx’s theory of sustainable development system. Finally, the analysis ofthe significance of Marx’s theory of sustainable development on the sustainabledevelopment of China. Study Marx and sustainable development theory, both schoolthe rational study the necessary, and the practice of sustainable development on thecurrent demand. Marx sustainable development theory is an important part of theMarxist philosophical basis for the consolidation of the socialist ecologicalcivilization deepen about people and social harmony theory, the more we practice thescientific concept of development and achieve sustainable development provides atheoretical supported. |