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Study On Theory And Application Of Investment Strategy For River Basin Management

Posted on:2006-10-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360152471193Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The management for water resource on the basis of river basin as a cell is main mode all over the world. Our country do a great lot of work in the region of integrate development and management of river basin, now step by step forms water resource management system of river basin. Because river basin development and government projects belong to "public engineering" and provide "public production", so they are important to the whole river basin economic development and have huge social benefits. As a result, the government must pay special attention to them, at the same time, the investment for river basin which country finance giving special supports have become focus by whole society. One of necessary claims of developing river basin improvement is scientifically and reasonably arranging the source and using of investment from the viewpoint of strategy. Making investment strategy of river basin improvement is the assurance of improving the structure and performance of river basin improvement investment.Studying investment object, investment main body and invest decision from the point view of strategy will benefit to improve the efficiency and benefit of investment for river basin government. The investment strategies of river basin government combine main object, policy action order of river basin investment to a whole tightness design (plan), which have such characters: the comprehensive of investing object, the multiform of investing main body, the science of investing decision, the continuity of strategy implement, and the dynamic of strategy control. The theory truss of the investment for river basin government mainly concludes: setting down investment strategy object, establishing investment main body, criterion investment decision proceeding, confirming investment strategy implement process, designing investment strategy control manner for river basin government. The investment strategy must take improving economic and social benefit of investment main body asa goal, and through its implement, can expedite river basin irrigation work construction, and promote sustainable development for economic society of river basin .There are mutual action among investment main bodies of river basin. We can use multi attribute risk decision mode to settle investment project decision problem of river basin government.Aiming at the diversification, multi-channel, multilayer investing and financing system and existing problem of Taihu basin, we should increase country invest power, sufficiency mobilize enthusiasm of social invest main body, and actively using foreign capital. We must carry out investing management strategies such as carefully executing canonical invest reckon, reasonably confirming investing constructor, scientific deicing investing project, assuring construction capital reaching time and so on.We also should through fulfilling management organization, improving the diathesis, emphasizing information utilize, strengthen dynamic management, push implement and control of investing strategy for Taihu basin government.
Keywords/Search Tags:River basin, Investment strategy, Investment object, Investment subject, Investment decision
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