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Seek Common Ground While Reserving Differences:Establishing A Harmonious Teacher-Student Relationship In Conflicts

Posted on:2011-10-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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As the educational theory concerns and focuses on, the relationship between teachers and students serves as the most fundamental and significant part in the school education. This relation that traditionally reflects the status of authoritative teachers and humble students has changed unprecedentedly in the setting of globalization, marketing economy and the IT era. Therefore, an essential study on how to correctly cope with conflicts as well as establishing an equal relationship between teachers and students will benefit them psychologically and propel the education harmoniously.The high school education, a phase where students are to form their own personalities and values influenced by teachers'instructions, makes it more complex to clarify the relationship between teachers and students, as students have gradually shaped themselves and possessed their distinguished views. The study on teacher-student relationship in high school education presents its realistic meanings.Based on some relevant theories in sociology such as conflict and explanation theories, this study uses Bourdieu's Theory for reference, adopts the qualitative analysis, combines the way of documental research with the field investigation and clarifies the evolvement of conflicts between teachers and students by collecting and analyzing relevant references along with accessible findings home and abroad. This study stresses the research on teacher-student relationship after the national reform and opening policies, especially on the present situation, its properties and the tendency for the future. This research lies in four distinguished high schools, including one district-ranked leading school, one city-ranked leading school, an ordinary school and a private school. The author conducts a sampling survey by profoundly interviewing and personally observing, which vividly reflects the real situation and the perceptions on teacher-student conflicts. This research discusses the social cause of forming such relationship and raises some thoughts on the way of relieving such conflicts and establishing a new mode of teacher-student relationship. This study draws conclusions as the following:1) The whole features on teacher-student conflicts in senior high lie in the increasing numbers of indirect conflicts in the form of invisible psychological fight and the online resistance. Meanwhile, some malignant cases have drawn social attention.2) The conflict frequency differs little in schools, while causes and the reactions have obvious differences, embodying the harmonious relationship in leading schools, the tense relationship in ordinary schools and the most complicated and diverse relationship in private high schools.3) The gender of a teacher has no obvious impact on conflicts, while the teacher's age, the teaching subject and the head teacher affect a lot.4) The gender of a student has no obvious impact on conflicts, while the student's age, the school and the class status affect a lot.The research shows the causes on teacher-student conflicts are restricted and influenced by psychological features, family education and social factors. As for teachers, they possess hegemonic ideas and behaviors in the process of regulating and assessing a class. Some young teachers lack correct perceptions on students born after the 1990s. As for students, they have little positive values and ineffective negotiations to teachers. As for families, complex family backgrounds, the extreme profit-pursuing psychology, high expectations, and the way of letting things drift in family education negatively affect the recognition on teacher-student relationship. As for schools, the unreasonable management and evaluation system make the conflicts worse. As for the society, consumptions to dissimilate the relationship, multicultural values and directions from the mass media bring about indirect impact on the conflicts.Objectively, conflicts between teachers and students function positively and negatively and have mutual influences on both sides, which can greatly propel the teacher's self-introspection, improvement on personal qualities and make it worse to affect working efficiency and psychology.The conflicts can positively promote the students'socialization and personnel interactions and negatively influence their study efficiency and psychology. This study has aroused thoughts on how to establish a new-mode teacher-student relationship and brought foreword effective strategies on the ground of rights and obligations on both sides, pointing out the school and society commissions. Teachers are required to be people-oriented, building up correct conceptions on students, advocating the "talk awareness" along with sharing "equal authority", improving and shaping integrated qualities and charming personalities. Students are advised to set up positive values to respect teaching, most value teachers and virtue and strengthen health physically and psychologically. This study says schools need to perfect a reasonable and comprehensive evaluation system by establishing a just, fair and open system of rewards and penalties to balance teacher-student conflicts. Finally, a harmonious outer environment to respect teaching and the teacher is to be built up by balancing education, shortening gaps among schools and strengthening the legal awareness to lift teachers'social status and orient the public opinion on respecting teaching and the teacher.The ending of the study specially stresses the core of solving teacher-student conflicts is to "seek common ground while reserving differences", which requires an open mind to adopt and take advantage of conflicts regarded as educational resources to establish harmonious teacher-student relationship and further promote the educational development smoothly.
Keywords/Search Tags:teacher-student relationship, conflict, harmony, high school
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