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Theoretical And Empirical Study Of The Psychology Capital Of China's Secondary School P.E. Teachers

Posted on:2013-01-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330374497199Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Psychological capital (PsyCap) was defined as an individual's positive psychological state of development and beyond human and social capital as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations, characterized by being cumulative, inter-connective and renewable that it is hard-to-imitate, when this concept was posed by Fred Luthans, the organizational behaviorist, in2004. Hence, it has become crucial to study how to develop and make full use of physical education teachers'psychological capitals, which is a key factor boosting the development of physical education at school and smooth proceeding of its curriculum reform.With a specific focus on the psychological capital (PsyCap) of secondary school physical education teachers in China, this study investigates the current state and features of their PsyCap and explores behind it both antecedents,(e.g. personality traits and social support) and postcedents (e.g. job satisfaction and professional ennui). This goal requires an operation definition of PsyCap be made and a scale of secondary school P.E. teachers'PsyCap be developed through literature review, investigation (i.e. depth interviewing and questionnaires) as well as mathematical statistics, leading this study to cover five parts:questionnaire weave, feature analysis, antecedent analysis, postcedent analysis as well as development and management. Under this framework, data for765secondary school P.E. teachers is collected through stratified random sampling and convenience sampling, based on which results and insights can be made as follows:1. Two second-order factors of the PsyCap constructThis study has discovered through literature review, depth interviewing, unstructured questionnaire survey, preliminary testing and formal testing that the psychological capital construct has two second-order factors, task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital. Task-oriented psychological capital includes spirit of enterprise and diligence, self-confidence and courage, optimism and hope, resiliency and perseverance while relationship-oriented psychological capital consists of respecting and courtesy, modesty and prudence, thanksgiving and dedication, toleration and forgiveness. The confirmatory factor analysis of the full scale indicates the values of fit index for χ2, RMSEA, GFI, CFI, NFI and PGFI arel322.59,0.051,0.81,0.95, 0.92and0.72respectively. The Cronbach's a for task-oriented and relationship-oriented psychological capital scales and the full scale respectively are0.839,0.869and0.931.2. Relationship-oriented psychological capital over task-oriented psychological capitalFor the time being, relationship-oriented psychological capital is higher than task-oriented psychological capital for secondary school P.E. teachers in China. From the eight dimensions of their psychological capital, resiliency and perseverance scores highest while optimism and hope lowest. There is no remarkable difference in task-oriented and relationship-oriented psychological capital among these teachers of different genders and education backgrounds. But while age difference is not significantly related to relationship-oriented psychological capital, it is significantly related with task-oriented psychological capital; marital status, ages, teaching ages, academic titles, urban and rural areas, leading schools and non-leading schools do bring about significantly difference both in task-oriented and relation-oriented psychological capital among these middle school P.E. teachers.3.(1) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, subjective social support is found to have a positive effect on both task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital, which means the social support factor can account for10.9per cent of the variance in task-oriented psychological capital and12.1per cent of the variance in relationship-oriented psychological capital respectively.(2) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, introverted and extroverted personalities are found to have a positive effect on both task-oriented psychological capital and relationship-oriented psychological capital, which means personality traits may result in13.2per cent of the variance in task-oriented psychological capital and12.1per cent of the variance in relationship-oriented psychological capital respectively.4.(1) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, task-oriented psychological capital is significantly positively correlated to job satisfaction (P=0.420,P <0.001) while relationship-oriented psychological capital is significantly reacted to it. Adjusted R2of model2(Adjusted R2=0.197) indicates that task-oriented psychological capital can explain19.7per cent of the variance in job satisfaction.(2) With the four variants under control from the perspective of population statistics, i.e. gender, age, marital status and education background, task-oriented psychological capital correlated positively with professional ennui ((3=-0.375, P<0.001) while relationship-oriented psychological capital does not. Adjusted R2of Model2(Adjusted R2=0.133) shows that these teachers'task-oriented psychological capital can explain33.%per cent of the variance in professional ennui.5. Development and management of PsyCap of secondary school P.E. Teachers(1) Secondary school P.E. teachers should be encouraged to change their concept of recruitment and an emphasis should be put on the evaluation of positive psychological capital.(2) They should be encouraged to change their ideas about training and the content for training and evaluation should be updated constantly.(3) A favorable environment should be provided to promote their progress.(4) The enforcement of Psychological Capital Appreciation (PCA) should be secured to increase their psychological capital...
Keywords/Search Tags:secondary school P.E. teachers, psychological capital, cause and effect
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