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Understanding Of The University: A Perspective Of Organizational Culture

Posted on:2002-01-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G C YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092466622Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The phenomenon of organizational culture has gradual1y become a newresearch focus in the area of amage.ent and sociology since 1980s. Thereason why peop1e give very close attention and research interesting isthat both scientific approach and rationa1 logic had shoen it's limitationto explain human behavior, operationa1 state, and development andreyolution vitelity,ithin organization. So the scholars attempt to findout another approach to explain the inner cultural dynamic reason oforganization's daily operational procedure and revolution vitality. Theystudied the matter frco various ang1es such as organization's culturalcharacter, the inf1uence of the cultura1 factor on organizational behaviorand on psychology and thinking custom.The university is a distinctive organization with profound historicaltraditions and cultural detai1s. Now facing to various kinds ofenviroarental stress, such as the forcible intervention from goverarent,the reduction of fund, and the complaint of tupayers, the traditionalspirit and the idea of universities which boodies it's cultural characterare being censured and queried sternly. In fact, instrumental rationalityis going beyond value-rationality. The university has cowe down to a placefu1l of vulgar when it pursues non-utility knowledge and idealim It isinevitable that the soul of universities has been faded out under theutilitarian and rea1istic atsosphere.However, what is the justification of a uniyersity existence as soonas losing her own cultural character? Did people realize the differencebetreen university and carn organization,hen they entrusted any newconcepts to universities oreanization. for example, uniyersity'sindustrialization, marketalization, as,well as company style management?keanwhile, almost every new, industrial ideas has different re flection inthe traditional uniyersity organizations such as knowledge-basedorganization, flexible human-based mangerent, horizontal structure,matrix structure,individuation,globlization and so on.In another word,universities are never short of these sodern organization ideas whichclosely related to the cu1tural characteristic.We have to ask if it isnecessare for universities to judge their transfomional impulse andwhat is the purpose of re formation. Is it for the sake of efficiency andeconcoic benefit in the near future, or for the longtem and far-rangingof social advant8ge.Al1 aboyeraentioned questions invo1Ye a radical issue,,hich re1atedto 'b8t is the Me of university, or 'hat is the significance and valueof university as an organization. In this PaPer I asme tO explain andundersthed the reason, significance and value for of university'sexistence regarding such questicos, tbrOngh a persP6ctive oforganiz8tional cu1ture. Different frod fgnctiona1 ana1ysis, a 8tructureof cu1teral analysis,i11 be conceived tO ana1yze the ote of univer8ity'bo is tYeated as a spiritual oreanization.1n this dissertetion, first1y, 1 'ant tO deduce hat 'as the historical'ission of universities after Middle Ages througb historica1 analy8is, onthe basis of that, to hnderstrid the origina1 root of the ethos, idea, andsocia1 duty of universities.Secondly, I attemPt to uncover the cu1tura1 characteristic inlayedintO organizatioual stYucture of university so as to i11meinate theorigina1 areaning of man8gement system in uniyersity, and its inf1uence onhabituts,ithin a city of university.Thirdly, by feeling and 8PPrehending the meaning of cu1tura1phen-enon in daily life of university, I hope tO revea1 sowe cultura1e1ewents resu1ting tO conf1ict bet'een different groups, such asachinistY8tive st8ff, faCulty, and stlldents, as,ell as diverse Wts inone groop.'Fbe inconsistencies betyeen universities and enviroarent reflect thedifferences of reSPective va1uation. In other,ords, uniyersities al,ayscannot accept the ro1es 'hich enviromeut eudO's the- So 1 try tO explainand graSP the effect of...
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizational
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