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From Entity To Process: The Thinking Of Modern Education Steering

Posted on:2008-01-09Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360215471578Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The variety faults of modern education make modern people lose their moral lever ,subjective and spirit.And that spires the present education into crises. Only can we mouse out the root cause of the modern education, and dig it out(Wittgenstein), we would faithfully solve the problem of education modernization. The objective thinking mode of education is the root cause of education modernization, therefore, to transform the way of thought on education reform is the precondition of realizing the modernization on education. This dissertation is based on this point to discuss, and attempt to realize the way of though on education in virtue of a new philosophy perspective.Revolution is changing the view of the world (Kuen). Therefore, the key of reforming the modern education is pursuing a new perspective on the world instead the former one. The process philosophy is a philosophy of an anti-entity way of thought; it offers us a new perspective way of thought: processing way of thought and relative way of thought. The concresent of education is the Archimedes's point in education, without clearing the concresent of education; we can not recognize the essence of education.The nature of entity way of thought is at a mass, unable to decide which is right, that is without noticing the concresent of education, and the essence of education is understood in advance.The modern educational modality is based on the entity way of thought, which is covered by the"scientific mask", dusts eyes and soul of modern people and modern people seems to have a sincere belief on science. Modern people believe that we are living at the age of scientific prosperity, in which all the natural mysteries are disclosed by science. Whereas we become addicted to science, immerse into the enjoyment that science offers to us, as what we call people in Plato's cave, and are always satisfied with what we can see the world without any self-knowledge. Under this environment, we are losing the capability to view our surroundings. We are puzzled by all kinds of modern educational problems while find no cause of these problems. The puzzle Dom of modern education lies in the inner part of modern education, scientism of modern education plunges into mechanism, the entity way of thought promotes scientific conception system: simplified conception, entity, predicable concepts, materialized and mechanistic view of the world, which further authorize the whole modern education. Upon the influence of scientific concepts, human itself is out of education, only left the material. Education is separated into different parts, only left with fragments; There are no versatile talents, only those professionalized ones; Human do not have freedom, autonomy, self-determination, self-fulfilment, and good citizens are those represent superior social order and profit, modern education keeps away from human.The entity way of thought is enthusiastic about what is education, discard how education comes into being. The process philosophy combines the question of what education is with how education comes into being, and indicates that the producing status of education is the existence status of education. From the process philosophy view, education is being with process and relation. Process is the ultimate existence, each educational occasion is in the process of being. Analyzing the macro structure of education production, education originates from the primitive social elements and their relationship, education comes into being from the different elements in human society and the reciprocity of these elements and experience. Analyzing the micro structure of education production, teachers, students, teaching environment are mixed, intertwined, and integrated, the becoming educational occasions dominates all the elements during the whole process, and realize a new educational occasion, which is the subjective material to the next educational occasion. Education is in the cycle of existence and perdition of educational occasions. During this process, education unfolds to be a relationship status, and education is the relative occasion in the process, and the value-added occasion accompanied with the process and relationship. The process and relationship characteristics of education presents organism, macrocosm, productivity, infinity, pragmatic, practical, sophisticated, open, oneness and versatility. On the process perspective, education does not have the outer goal, only have inner goal, which is each educational behavior is created for itself, each person is created for himself or herself, each part contributes to the whole educational profit, and for the construction of harmonious development of human being. The aim of education is to breakthrough knowledge, actualizing wisdom, and education should hereby keep balance. The process educational philosophy fairly deals with the relationship of wisdom and concresent, student's learning and rhythm of education.The process philosophy requires strain among balance, freedom and disciplines, and the subject and object organically unify in the modern entity education under the process philosophy. The substancial change is taken place in curriculum: Curriculum is oriented by the value of creativity and harmony, the perspective of curriculum transfer from the entity to process, and the curriculum designing extrudes process thought, relationship way of thought and concrete thought. The educational research on the process perspective should be established in the relationship thought.The process philosophy opens our horizon to look through the modern world and modern education. And only does the new way of thought is adapted into the modern education, the real revolution is accomplished in education. Therefore, the process thought and relationship thought turn to be the inevitable choice for the education in 21st century. A new educational philosophy is called out based on those two thought.The research uses the critical philosophy method. And the research has much theoretical meaning: on one hand, It can offer new way of thought and view , on the other hand, the frame of process education philosophy can offer a new education philosophy for modern education reform.Owing to this Gestalt thansition of education, the theory of education will occur revolutionary change, and provide a new path to settle varity problems of present education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Entity way of thought, process philosophy, process philosophical thought, relationship way of thought, modern education
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