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A Training Theory System And Proof Study On The Core Competitive Ability Of Excellent Sprint Skaters

Posted on:2008-02-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360275463277Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Training is an important part of competitive sports,and it is also a key factor for the athletes' accomplishment in competitions.This study is to analyze the influence and condition factors among elite skaters' training,to explore the common characters and overcoming laws,and then to build up the training system of high level athletes. Literature,investigation,experiments,observation,statistics and logic analysis are adopted to overall study the competitive abilities,training system and factors.The main conclusions are as follows:1) "The Training Theory System on the Core Competitive Ability of Excellent Sprint Speed Skating Athletes" is defined as the reciprocal technical and stamina abilities compose an active integral by relative laws and special ways.2) The subsystems' frame of Training Theory System is as aim subsystem; content subsystem; method subsystem; periodization subsystem; load subsystem; evaluation subsystem.3) Because of the technical characters of speed skating,the strength training of high level skaters does not only care for the agonists but also for the antagonists and auxiliary muscles.In strength training,coaches must pay attention on the combination skill among the different muscles,the order and time to change exercises.4) Recovering trainings and competitions are becoming more and more important in modern training.By coaches' questionnaire results,the recovering trainings occupy one third of the whole trainings and competitions occupy 55-70%of whole games, average 8-10 times a year.These arrangements are important factors for skaters 'success. 5) The 500m event is high relevant with its first 100m,the coefficients of men and ladies respectively 0.596 and 0.751,P<0.05;The 500m event is not relevant with 1000m event,the coefficients of men and ladies respectively 0.187 and 0.374. Nowadays,Chinese coaches have paid more attention on 500m event to 1000m event, and long intermittent,high intensity training method is taken for 500m event. Although 500m and 1000m events are sprint competitions,coaches have to individualize them and take different ways.6) There are three combinational patterns for elite skaters:special speed + oxygen endurance,special speed + speed endurance,special speed + strength,and Chinese skaters choose the first pattern.There are three schedule patterns for world elite skaters before the most important games:recovery,increasing load,intensive stability. The warm-up date for the important competition is 7-20 days before,and less or more than the range will not work for competition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Speed Skating, Core Competitive Ability, Training Theory System
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