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An Empirical Study On The Executive Power Of School's Sports Policy And Its Evaluation Index System

Posted on:2010-09-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360302967463Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Executive power", as a key phrase in business management, has gradually become a hot topic in the studies on executive power of public policy in recent years. In this paper, "executive power" is introduced to the studies of school's physical education, which is good for the overall advancement of work efficiency in school's physical education and effective implementation of school's sports policy in our country, and which is profoundly significant and influential to the smooth realization of overall goal of school's sports policy of "strengthening teenage sports, improving their constitution" in the new era.In this paper, the research is conducted on the level of school physical education. Ordinary middle schools in Heilongjiang Province taken as objects, the executive power of school' s sports policy is researched from both theoretical and practical points of view, with research methods of literature data, logic analysis, system analysis, institution analysis, investigation, Delphi, analytic hierarchy process, mathematical statistics, etc.In the theoretical part, theoretical basis of the executive power of school's sports policy is put forward and this term is defined for the first time. It is said in this paper that main theoretical basis of executive power of school's sports policy are Organization Theory, Policy Implementation Theory and Game Theory. Basic connotation of the executive power of school's sports policy is ability and effectiveness. Main functions of the executive power of school's sports policy are to ensure the realization of goal of school's sports policy, to check and improve quality of it, and to argue the possibility of "transplanting school's sports policy". Characteristics of executive power of school's sports policy are that it is comprehensive, different, dynamic and multi-level.In the demonstration part, evaluation index system of executive power of School's sports policy is established at first place. Then, with ordinary middle schools in Heilongjiang Province taken as objects, status quo of the Executive Power of School' s Sports Policy in our country is examined and evaluated. Problems existed in Executive Power of School's Sports Policy are deeply discussed and analyzed, under guidance of findings of the theoretical research mentioned above. Furthermore, strategies and measures of enhancing Executive Power of School' s Sports Policy in our country are put forward on the basis of borrowing effective experience and practice on how to advance executive power from field of business practice.Research results are as follows:Executive power of school's sports policy is constituted of five First Index, twelve Second Index and thirty-five Third Index. Main problems in executive power of school's sports policy are reflected in the following five aspects: executive power of individuals, executive power of the organization, the policy itself, implementation resource and environment of the school and implementation effectiveness. At this point, in this paper, problems of executive power of School's sports policy are analyzed from three points of view: benefit, capability and conditions of the principal body of policy implementation and then put forward strategies and measures of advancing school's sports policy in our country, namely, by bettering implementing quality of headmasters and P.E. teachers, perfecting implementing mechanisms, like monitoring, incentive mechanism, etc., and constructing implementing resources in a deeper and wider way.
Keywords/Search Tags:School's sports policy, School, Executive power, Evaluation index system, Empirical study
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