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An Analysis Of Curriculum Implementation In The Vision Of Organizational Sociology

Posted on:2011-07-03Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360305489449Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
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Since the 1970s, there has been an important "paradigm of transition"in the field of western educational science .It began to shift from exploring universal rule for education to seeking situated value for education. In this context, people realized curriculum implementation was not simply from A to B, they started having the aid of perspective on curriculum, such as politics, aesthetic and so on, so as to re-conceptualize curriculum implementation. For a long time, people in the national curriculum design and implementation have focused more on the external means of policy, command, and technical support. They paid more attention to the efficiency and validity of reform. Schools always seem to be orientated on the needs of society. In recent years, from the view of the hot points on the curriculum theory, we can know many researchers started to pay attention to the specific situations, such as schools, teachers and classrooms. They think curriculum design and curriculum implementation can't do without a real situation. Understanding the meanings of curriculum in situations has key effects upon the curriculum implementation.The current curriculum reform needs the contextualized and localized understanding of course. People have formed a consensus that school is the basic unit of teaching reform. Organization Sociology refers to regard a person as a role or an organization man, and one's behavioral expression is in close attach with the existence of organization. The visual angle of school organization sociology has an important value for opening the school's "black box" and improving the effects of curriculum implementation. The schools'curriculum implementation in the research means mainly the things happened in the school curriculum and focus mainly on the three levels of understanding, implementing and experiencing curriculum. This study utilized the organizational relations of the right structure, conflict, communication and leadership in Organizational Sociology to focus on the changes of curriculum implementation's concept and behavior,to analyze the actual status of the curriculum implementation at school,to restrict the factors of curriculum implementation at school, to summarize the experiences and lessons of curriculum implementation at school and to propose the strategies and suggestions for the innovation of curriculum implementation at school. This study will contribute to deepen the curriculum theory and research method, promote the smooth implementation of course, update the school culture and improve teachers' professional qualities. This study will contribute to deepen curriculum theory and research method, to promote the smooth implementation of curriculum implementation, to update the school culture and to improve teachers' professional qualities.This research mainly adopted qualitative method of case study and made the goal sampling.The research chose the B School in Jilin province and six teachers at different levels as the research objects according to the related features of Organizational Sociology. The study mainly adopted the technological measures of interview, observation, text collection technology, adopting the ideas of triangle proof to guarantee the reliability and validity of the research. The research used the bottom-up way to analyze the information.The first research finding:The curriculum implementation at schools is restricted by the right structure of schools. Firstly, the effects of curriculum implementation at schools have a lot to do with existing right structure of organizations at schools. The people of different position and identity have different responsibility and contribution for organizations. In the outside of school organization, the teaching-research staff of power group controls the direction of subject implementation. principal In the inside of school organization, the principal have multiple functions of selecting and using teachers, teaching supervision and education and research development, and these duties play an important role for curriculum implementation effectively and reasonably.In addition, in the process of the curriculum implementation, the position of Chinese director and academic leader are very awkward. Chinese director R and research group leader F, Chinese director R is the senior employees for F, as a whole, the circumstances of them are almost the same. On the one hand, they should execute the relevant arrangements and mission. On the other hand, we should popularize the understanding of themselves and hear the ideas of the ordinary teachers. As common teachers, although they were in the bottom of the power structure, had the liberty of teaching, and began to reform the teaching of themselves. The changes of the school organization structure affect the results of school curriculum implementation. Secondly, the changes of right structure for school organization are a very important system for curriculum implementation. The study found, the promotion of director R and research group leader L had very positive significance for the curriculum implementation of Chinese. Under the background of the new curriculum, giving certain power and position to the teachers who understand and know how to use the new curriculum concept is easier to get teacher's approval, so as to promote curriculum implementation effectively. Finally, the legitimacy of organizational right structure influences the curriculum implementation at schools. The factors to influence the legitimacy of organizational right structure are mainly the power factor, the capacity factor and the age experience, of all the ability factors occupied an leading role. It is noteworthy that the imitation factor in the power structure of curriculum plays a very important role for the curriculum implementation.The second research finding:the curriculum implementation at schools is a process of contradictions and conflicts. Firstly, in the school level, the role factor of power community is an important factor to affect the conflict in the process of curriculum implementation. The principal have the responsible to assist teachers to improve teaching, however, because they have the right of Checking and examining, they have the mission role for themselves, the situation will limit the role of helping teachers. There are conflicts between the standardization of teaching process and the complexity of the teaching process as well. Secondly, in the process of curriculum implementation, there are conflicts between teachers. It mainly includes the conflict between senior teachers and novice teachers, the conflict between teachers' identity and status, the conflict of teachers'multiple roles. The conflicts between the teachers themselves and the teachers will also affect the enthusiasm of teachers on curriculum implementation and the level of curriculum implementation. Finally, the curriculum implementation at schools also suffers textbooks, subject experts, etc, and the influences of external forces will also create conflict with teachers.The third research finding: the curriculum implementation at schools contains a process of information and communication. Firstly, the communication channels of school curriculum implementation have the feature of diversification. Through the study of the school curriculum, understanding and relay can have formal and informal channels. In the traditional school curriculum implementation, people pay much attention to the school organization of collective working, vocational learning, outside training and Mentorship etc. In the real school environment of implementing, the communication also includes a chat after class, walking and teachers learning by themselves. The relationship of mutual communication has important value for teachers' curriculum implementation. For the communication' effect, we need stick to the principle of efficiency. Secondly, the communication contents in the process of curriculum implementation at school have the feature of diversification. In the process of curriculum implementation at school B, the communication content mainly includes curriculum management, Chinese language teaching, student management, etc. Research found that the content of the communication between the teachers was very wide, and the communication between teachers was based on their common experience in the things or the problems. Finally, in the process of curriculum implementation at school, the factors to influence communication have the feature of multiplicity. In the process of the curriculum implementation, we need establish a relative network. The relationship in the process of curriculum implementation has a very big relationship with the personality characteristics of the role the teachers played. In the process of communication, the factor of right can also affect the results of curriculum implementation at schools. In the process of curriculum implementation at schools, the communication need understand the needs of teachers, choose the appropriate way to communicate, plan the process of communication reasonably.The forth research finding:the curriculum implementation at schools need reform the lead of the school curriculum. Firstly, the school curriculum managers should achieve the transformation from management to leadership. School administrators should rebuild the school vision and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers implementing curriculum, training the harmonious culture of courses. School B has got rid of the control orientation embodied by the traditional management of curriculum and made the general faculty discussing a number of school policies and substantive issues, such as family leave, nutritious breakfast to manifest the humanization management of the school management system, making a school management democratic and humanistic. The flexibility of the school curriculum managers in the implementation process of contingencies','class teacher storm','growth space for teachers'reflected the school administrators flexibility in the school curriculum implementation of specific scenes. The protective and supportive behavior of the school managers has very great importance for the changes of teacher's behavior and manner in the Curriculum Implementation. Second, the innovation of teacher training strategy plays a very important role for curriculum implementation. The research leading of School B in the process of curriculum implementation achieve the win-win situation of the school characteristics and the professional development of teachers. The professional atmosphere of cooperation and learning created by leadership of the school curriculum innovate the school-based teaching and research, case studies, apprenticeship training model, enhance the building of the school learning platform and scientific research system, enhance the quality of teachers, and promote smooth progress of new curriculum reform effectively.Suggestion of research:Firstly, the researcher formed a text and read the raw data; secondly, the researcher looked for the local concepts; at last, the researcher established the basic framework of concepts. Research found that the curriculum implementation at school was restricted by the organizational structure of schools and needed to establish an organizational structure of learning to promote the teachers' curriculum awareness, to give teachers professional autonomy, to create the atmosphere of teachers'professional communication and cooperation and to pursue the benefit between each other during the curriculum implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:School Organization, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Sociology, Organizational Sociology
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