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Research On Trust Governance Of Partnership In Knowledge Supply Chain

Posted on:2011-05-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330338995811Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The knowledge supply chain is a network structure pattern to realize the goal of knowledge economization and profit maximization taking the market as guidance, through knowledge shift and innovation, linking up knowledge supply, innovation, dissemination and usage organically. Taking as an important organization form of knowledge cooperation, knowledge supply chain is the efficient path for enterprise knowledge growth and the value creation. In view of many problems exposed in the knowledge cooperation process and the risk existing in partnership itself, Strengthening research on the question of partnership governance in knowledge supply chain, discussing partnership governance mechanism, has both extremely important theoretical value and reality guiding sense to the enhancement of enterprise knowledge cooperation efficiency in practice.On the basis of the relation governance theory and the partnership theory, the research discusses the question of relation governance in knowledge supply chain from network governance angle, combining the nature of network structure pattern of knowledge supply chain. Both the relation paradigm and the network paradigm emphasize the relations, The relation paradigm emphasizes intensity"loyal"process of vertical relationship and intensity"dialog"process of horizontal relationship, its main variable is the trust and the behavior social norm. The network paradigm requests high trusting relationship among cooperation main bodies, it can maintain network potency, reduce transaction cost, guard congenial behavior, reduce transaction uncertainty, promote network resources flowing and usage more reasonable, promote cohesive force, competitive power and cooperation achievements in knowledge supply chain. Obviously, trust is not only the core essential factor of relation governance but also the foundation of network organization formation and operation. Therefore, the breakthrough point of topic research—trust is found, thus, the status and function of trust is established in the question of partnership governance in knowledge supply chain, and takes trust mechanism as the important mechanism to relation governance, carries on a thorough careful discussion from two aspects of theory and empiricism. The main research conclusions are as follows:Firstly, obtaining the conclusion that mutual trust behavior has five essential factor. Since the research on trust from psychology or emotion in literatures, yet, trust in economic activity pays more attention to its behavior performance than psychological activity, therefore, this research attempts research from the angle of trust behavior, through the factorial analysis, explicates the five integrant part of mutual trust behavior: relation investment, information communication, influence acception, control reduction and limit opportunism.Secondly, testing that the various dimensions of network governance mechanism have varying degree influence to the integrant part of mutual trust behavior. Among them, reputation mainly affects relation investment; macroscopic culture mainly affects relation investment and information communication; collective sanction mainly affects information communication and influence acception; entry restriction mainly affects influence acception and limit opportunism. Thirdly, confirming that the influence to the integrant part of mutual trust behavior exists difference. Among them, the influence of reputation and macroscopic culture to relation investment is remarkable; the influence of reputation, macroscopic culture and collective sanction to information communication is remarkable; the influence of collective sanction and entry restriction to influence acception is remarkable; the influence of reputation and entry restriction to limit opportunism is remarkable; macroscopic culture, collective sanction, entry restriction are not related to control reduction.Fourthly, making clear three leading essential factors for trust to play function. In the five integrant part of mutual trust behavior, the influence of relation investment, information communication and limit opportunism to knowledge supply chain partnership is remarkable, therefore, these three factors play a leading role. The research also discovers that the nature of enterprise has influence to trust and cooperation among members in knowledge supply chain.Fifthly, bringing up trust governance mechanism on partnership in knowledge supply chain. (1) Angle of network governance: inter-personal relationship induces inter-personal trust and cognition-based trust; entry restriction induces process-based trust, recognitory trust and knowledge-based trust; macroscopic culture induces characteristic trust and identification-based trust; reputation induces affect-based trust and competence trust; collective sanction induces worry trust and calculation-based trust; laws and regulations, contractual relationship induces institution-based trust and contractual trust. (2) Angle of trust elements: relation promotion and information communication coordinates knowledge cooperation partnership, influence acception and control reduction responses partnership, limit opportunism maintains partnership. (3) Angle of trust evaluation: Trust level of knowledge partner means that the possibility of opportunism behavior is different, according to measure result of trust level (high, middle, low), adopts the corresponding trust mechanism: The partner that measure result of trust level is high adopts opportunism limited weak form trust mechanism, the partner that measure result of trust level is middle adopts opportunism obvious semi-strong form trust mechanism, the partner that measure result of trust level is low adopts opportunism serious strong form trust mechanism.The research innovation includes three aspects: (1) The novelty of research angle of view. According to the network structrue characteristic of knowledge Supplies chain, introducing network governance theory as research angle of view to discuss partnership governance in knowledge supply chain. Existing literature of network governance stresses on the research of network governance mechanism, the research on using network governance mechanism to solve operation question of network organization is quite defective, the achievement of quantitative research is very few. Therefore, the discussion on knowledge supply chain partnership question from the angle of network governance is not only a valid test for the role of network governance mechanism to play, but also helpful to enrich empirical study achievement of the theory. (2) Takes inter-organization trust as the new breakthrough point, constructs theoretical model of the research. Through massive literature study and reading, discovers that the various dimensions of network governance mechanism influences inter-organization trust, inter-organization trust influences knowledge supply chain partnership. Taking inter-organization trust as a middle variable to connect network governance mechanism and knowledge supply chain partnership, the research constructs theoretical model and analyzes empirically relations among variables using structural equation model. (3) Developing the research on partnership governance in knowledge supply chain from trust behavior angle. Empirical study achievements on trust in existing literatures analyze the question most from psychology or emotion angle of trust, but transaction body in economic activity pays more attention to the behavior performance of trust than psychological activity. The research extracts five common factors refelecting mutual trust behavior using factorial analysis. according to the above, this research discusses the question on trust governance mechanism of knowledge supply chain partnership from trust elements and trust evaluation angle.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge supply chain, Partnership, Network governance, Trust mechanism, Structural equation modeling, Evolutionary game analysis
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