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Systematic Analysis On Regional Agricultural Sustainable Development

Posted on:2005-05-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360182975075Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The sustainable development issue has already become the focus of the human society. From the20th century, with the development of science and technology as well as the great improvement ofthe social productivity, unprecedented material wealth has been created, which quickened theprocess of civilization development. Meanwhile, the rapidly increased population, the overconsumed resources, the polluted environment, the disrupted ecology, the widened gap between theNorth and the South, resulted in serious global issues, which seriously hindered the economicdevelopment as well as the improvement of people's living quality, then brought a threat to thehuman's survival and development in the future. Under such severe circumstances, people clearlyrealized that we have to find out a way for sustainable development, which would adjust therelation among population, economy, society, technology, environment and resources, which wouldnot only satisfy the need of contemporary people but also do no harm to the ability of meeting theneed of later generations.China is a large agricultural country with relatively deficient agricultural resources. As a basicindustry directly utilizing natural resources, agriculture is the first industry that human has thegreatest reliability on natural resources and ecological environment. Its sustainable developmentplays a vital important role to the entire sustainable development of the whole country and districts.Therefore, as the basic and important part of the sustainable development, whether there is aagricultural sustainable development will directly influence the realization of the sustainabledevelopment goals of human society. As a result, agricultural sustainable development has drownattention from all works of life in the society, and is considered as the primary assurance and priorfield of the entire mankind's sustainable development.Based on the unique viewpoint, theory and method of systematic analysis, this paper, linked withthe research foundation from domestic and abroad, focusing on the continuation and harmony anddifferences in the regional agricultural sustainable development, taking synthetically analyticalmethod of determining nature and ration as the main thread, and with the theory of agriculturalsustainable development as the foundation, carries on a theoretical analysis, evaluation and positiveresearch to the regional agricultural sustainable development. The research contents of this thesisinclude three major parts:First part : Chapter one Introduction. From view of the harmonious development of economy, anidea is proposed that " agriculture is a foundation of the national economy, the countryside is abasic community of a society, and agricultural sustainable development is a foundation of the wholesocial sustainable development. Therefore , while practicing the strategy of sustainabledevelopment of our country, the sustainable development of agriculture must be paid attention to, inorder to strengthen the fundamental position of agriculture, promote the sustainable development ofthe economic society".Second part: Including chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, and chapter five. Following"Concept—Theory—Method—Analysis"this basic research procedure, analysis and summary ofregional sustainable development and agricultural sustainable development theory constitute thefoundamentary contents, characteristics, principles and relevant theory of the regional agriculturalsustainable development theory, so as to lay the theoretical foundation of research work;settingconcepts and three-dimensional characteristics of regional agricultural sustainable development, areconstructed for the first time by means of systematic theory and analysis, on the basis of thesummary of the relevant comments of the regional agricultural development both at home andaboard, mathematics describing and network analysis are also provided. According to theindependent character principle of the system, differentiating analysis is made about the relevantinfluencing factors to the agricultural systematic loud factors of environment of regionalagricultural sustainable development. The influencing factors include capital, technique, system,environment, etc. Under such circumstance, a complex system is proposed which claims that thelimitations for agricultural sustainable development in an area which is the natural agriculturalsurrounding. For this system, the main subject is man, the main goal is the realization of thesustainable development of agriculture in the area. On the basis of structure theory of dissipatingand grey related entropy and method, and with the help of the systematic developing theory modelfor regional agricultural sustainable development, trends analyzing model, system evolvingdirection differentiating model are also involved in the proposal of the system dissipating theory ofthe regional negentrop flow, such as technological progress, policy and innovated ideas may helpthe realization of systematic adjustment of agricultural sustainable development of Hebei province.The third part:Chapter six, chapter seven , chapter eight , chapter nine. On the basis of the basicprinciple of agricultural sustainable development, the agricultural systematic goal system ofsustainable development in the area is structured, triangular model theory and method is alsoproposed. This thesis analyses the adjusting ability of the regional agricultural sustainabledevelopment compound systematic goal harmony of system, organizing theory, systemcoordinating principle and method are the key point in structuring agricultural systematicself-coordinating the sustainable development in the area. A positive research to the harmony ofagricultural sustainable development of 1994-2003 of Hebei has been carried out, and the researchshowed that there was an inefficient adjustment in agricultural development of Hebei provinceduring the two periods of 1995-1996 and 2001-2003. The countermeasures of more attention shouldbe paid on the protection of agricultural natural resources and on the construction of foundationaldevices such as conservancy facilities. On the basis of bearing capacity principle and method, itstructured the agricultural sustainable development set concepts, describing the agriculturalsystematic realization of goal of the regional sustainable as supporting layers, behaving layers.Meanwhile, using the level analysis and method, it also designed a model for the agriculturalsystematic evaluation index, system frame of RASDS and appraised model. A positive researchabout the continuation of agricultural sustainable development of 1994-2003 of Hebei province hasbeen done. According to multiple statistical analysis theory and method, it gave a cluster's analysisto the sustainable state of development of agriculture of 11 cities in Hebei province;and it proposethat the agricultural development of Hebei is divided into 4 different kinds of areas, analysis ofagricultural development characteristics of each area were provided at the same time. Consideringthe actual conditions of the agricultural development of Hebei with the reinforcement of zoologicalagriculture as its point key, it put forward the countermeasures of realizing agricultural sustainabledevelopment of Hebei.In order to make the research conclusion be more scientific and objective in theory, the basic theoryand method of systematic science, agricultural economy, development economics, technologicaleconomics, etc. are being employed in the research. In order to make sure the research work ismore specific in practice, this thesis uses the analytic approach of the level, triangular system modelmechanism, principle and method of systematic coordination, analytic approach of the chart,analysis of comparison and summarizing and other nature determination and quantitative means. Itcarried on a network analysis and experience and proposed countermeasures to the study on thesystematic state of agricultural sustainable development of Hebei Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional agricultural sustainable development, Evolving with adjusting and controlling, System coordinating, Triangular system model, Analytic approach of the level, Cluster's analysis, Hebei province
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